Chapter 20

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A/N GUYS I'M SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING really there is some shit going on but i promise i'll be updating more.

The day went slow and Camila was ready to go home. she was making her way through the hall. She kept her head low looking down she could feel some peoples eyes at her, but that is nothing new.

"CAMILA CAMILA" She heard someone yelling her name. She looked behind her and saw Dinah running towards her.

"What do you need?" Camila asked her, not really in the mood to do something after school

"We both are going to Normani after school and Normani told me that Lauren is coming too" Dinah smirked, Camila rolled her eyes. She really didn't want to see Lauren, but she couldn't say no either so she nodded her head

"Yes, it's going to be fun" Dinah smiled and walked away

"Fun my ass" Camila mumbled

"I love your ass" a voice behind her sudden said and Camila screamed, she was ready to yell at that person who made her scream but when she turned around she realized it was lauren and she got scared.

"Yeah i gotta go to class" Camila said fastly and ignored Lauren

"See you at normani's babe" Lauren mumbled in Camila's ear when Camila walked past her, and Camila ignored again and walked to her locker.

Now she had to wait for Dinah to be done so they can go to Normani. Camila was already getting a headache, she walked to her spot nearby the school under a tree. She put her things  down and sat on the ground, she was about to read when suddenly she heard a voice

"Mind if i join" the voice spoke, Camila looked up and saw Anesa.

"Not at all" Camila smiled and put her book away.

"So what's going on?"Anesa asked Camila and smirked a little bit, Camila look confused at Anesa.

"What do you mean?" Camila asked confused

"Between you and Lauren" Anesa answered raising her eyebrow. Camila just avoided eye contact

"Ohh nothing" she mumbled and after a second    Anesa's phone went off

"I have to answer this call, but we are not done with this conversation" Anesa stood up and walked away

Camila just closed her eyes for a second, she knew that Anesa knows somethings up, but Camila is never going to admit it.

After a few minutes she saw Dinah walking her way with Lauren

"Wtf is Lauren doing" Camila asked herself while standing up

"Yo Mila, Lauren is joining us" Dinah said and winked at Camila.

Camila just stood still and was getting mad

"Dinah would you excuse us for a minute i need to talk to Lauren" Camila said with a straight face glaring at Lauren

" whatever but don't take to long " Dinah said and walled towards her car

"Are you serious?" Camila asked Lauren, Lauren knew Camila was mad and she just smirked at her

" i really can't believe you" Camila started to get angrier at Lauren

Lauren facial expression changed really quick and looked Cold now, Camila quickly got scared and regretted getting angry at Lauren because she knew what Lauren could do to her.

Lauren took a few steps closer to Camila and leaned in

"You look so hot when you're angry, i bet the car ride is going to be fun" Lauren whispered in Camila's ear, and at that moment Camila was blushing really hard.

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