Chapter 18

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''you better not tell anybody what happened yesterday'' lauren said in a serious tone looking directly at Camila

''i won't tell anyone but can i ask you something'' Camila said curiously. Lauren just nodded and waited for Camila to speak again.

''what happened yesterday?'' Camila asked. Lauren just looked at Camila not answering her question. After a few minutes  Camila gave up, Camila knew she crossed the line.

''i don't wanna talk about it, it was nothing big'' Lauren said and looked down at her feet, camila knew that Lauren was lying but she let it go because she doesn't want to cause any trouble.

''i think i should go to class'' camila said after a few awkward seconds, but before she could open the door Lauren pulled her back slamming her against the wall

''you're not going anywere you're staying with me'' Lauren whispered in Camila's ear before crashing their lips together. Camila tried to push Lauren back  but Lauren was stronger than camila. eventually Camila gave in and kissed Lauren back. Camila felt Lauren's hands travel down to her waist and Camila put her arms around Lauren's neck pulling her closer

Lauren began to kiss Camila's neck slowsly sucking it. ''Lauren.." Camila moaned quitely,  after a few minutes Camila felt something poking her stomach she pulled away slowly and looked at Lauren. Lauren was confused at first but than she realized what was happening.

''I c-can explain'' Lauren stuttered nervously looking down at her pants. Camila's eyes widened looking down too. Camila was so confused right now.

''i'm just going straight to the point, i'm a girl but who is born with a penis'' lauren said honest.

''ooh t-that's c-cool'' Camila stuttered

''wanna see how big i'am'' Lauren smirked at Camila and Camila just rolled her eyes pushing Lauren off her.

''hey where are you going'' Lauren asked raising her eyebrow.

''i'm already late for class and shouldn't you also go to your class?'' Camila asked before grabbing her stuff ready to leave.

''you know what's the point of going to class if we already missed the half of the first period" Lauren shrugged.

Camila just rolled her eyes and and took a glance at Lauren before leaving

when she opened the door of her class everyone was looking at her because they probably didn't expect her to be this late for her class

''care to explain why you're late cabello?'' the teacher asked in a annoyed voice, Camila just shook her head 

''Don't be late the next time'' The teacher said and continued his lesson, Camila quickly made her way to her seat next to Dinah. Dinah just looked at Camila waiting for an answer for why she was late.

''i just had to do something before class'' Camila mumbled

"yeah that explains the hickey on your neck" Dinah smirked. Camila's eyes widened and her hand shot up to her neck

''your lips are swollen too'' Dinah said smirking again, ''so who's your fuckbuddy'' Dinah asked in a serious tone.

before Camila could answer the bell rang "thank god saved by the bell" Camila thought

''you know we are going to talk when it is lunch time'' Dinah said before leaving the classroom. when Dinah walked away Camila saw Lauren leaning at the wall of her classroom smirking at her.

Camila just blushed and pretend to be on her phone when she walked passed Lauren. she felt someone grab her but when she walked past Lauren and she knew it was lauren when she turned her head she saw Lauren smirking at me before leaning in

''I'll see you later babe'' Lauren whispered in Camila's ear.

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