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Ashton woke me up early. He had already been crying since midnight. He had fallen back asleep, but woke up several times up till this morning. His cheeks were still stained when I was done getting dressed and I wiped them lightly. He didn't look at me. His face was dead like the day he found out she died. It was like it hit him twice. I knew the feeling. It was like you got happier and then someone came and threw trash all over you. It is one of, if not the worst, feelings in the world.

"Are you okay to go?" I asked and he nodded. I kissed his right cheek as another tear dropped down and lands on my nose. I wipe it off.

"Alright. I'll drive." I say and hold his hand.

We leave and he remains silent in the car. I turn on the GPS on my phone and plug in the address. It's a twenty minute silent ride to the service and it's a depressing one, to say the least. I'm not used to this Ashton. I don't like this Ashton, but I'll do anything to get the old one back. If that means to wait and stick by him, that's what I'll do.

We get there and as I get out of the car, he doesn't budge. I walk over to his side, open the door, and kneel down to be at shoulder level. I grab his cold hand and rub it.

"Hey. We're here." I say.

"I know. I just can't move."

"I'll help you. I won't leave your side."

"Thanks." He smiles weakly and starts to get out of the car.

We walk together into the church and his grip gets tighter. I see a woman and a man standing in the corner and I put the pieces together that they were his parents. We walk over and Ashton lets my hand go. He runs and hugs them. They don't let him go.

"We'll be alright Ash." I hear his mom say.

"I know. I miss Beth." He says.

"We all do." His dad says and then lifts his head. He makes eye contact with me.

"Are you one of Beth's friends?" His dad asks.

"No. This is my girlfriend Rachel." Ash replies.

"I would have liked to meet you under different circumstances, but fate is sadly fate." He says and looks off.

Ash comes back and holds my hand. His face is wet again and I hand him a tissue. One of many I stuffed into my bag.

"We'll all have dinner when this is over. Is that alright Ashton?" His mom asks. He looks at me to answer. I nod.

"I suppose. If you have to cancel, I'll understand." I say.

The service is over very quickly and then they drive her casket away to be cremated. The entire time Ashton is crying. His parents seem to conceal their tears. They have the same face Ashton did this morning. Aria and Jacob are there as well. She's crying, but Jacob isn't. He mustn't have known her either. He does see me look and gives me a sympathetic smile. One to show that he knows how I feel that Ashton is this was. Aria is the same. I can see it in her eyes, and Jacob wants her back too.

We leave, including Jacob and Aria and go to a nice place downtown. It is another silent place. The people that surround us are talking, but everyone at our table remains quiet. The only time anyone spoke was to order.

When we finally left, everyone hugged each other goodbye. Even his parents hugged me.

His mom was last one to hug me and she whispered "Ashton won't be like himself. I can see you're looking for the real him in there. If anyone can get it back, maybe you can. He connects with you."

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