Chapter 1

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New things. I know. But don't worry this will stay. This one will stay I promise.
Mitch's P.O.V
I open my eyes. W-What? Where am I? I look up slowly and see a destroyed Kingdom around me. I try to stand up but I fall back onto my hands and knees. I put my hands on the ground in front of me. I hear whispering and it's becoming louder.

"A demon...there's no way." One said. I look at the ground. Ignore it! This is nothing but a dream!

"He's too good inside to be demon." Another said. I cover my ears. They grow louder. I close my eyes. I feel a claw on my face. I open my eyes and it pulls my face up to meet theirs. I only see glowing blue eyes, black trench coat with the hood up, dark purple tank top, dark long blue hair with bangs that cover her eyes a little, sharp claws, black sneakers, black cut off shorts, black fingerless gloves, and sharp fangs. She smirks.

"Now don't block it out Mitch." She said. A black tail with a sharp tip appears. I look at it.'s hers. I push her hand away quick and move away from her. She laughs.

"Your one of us Mitch. Always will be evil to the soul." She said.

"W-What? No!"

"We're a cross between demon and human Mitch. But your more demon then human. You know you are." She suddenly appears in front of me. She grabs my wrists. She pushes them down against the ground. She smirks and comes closer to me.

I open my eyes. I pick my head up and see Quentin and Ian talking. I knew that was a dream. But it felt so real. I lay my head back down in my arms. What's happening with me?

"Mitch you okay dude?" Quentin asks. I pick my head back up. I look at the table.

"Yeah why?" The door opens and Alikai and Alex comes in. Alikai looks at me.

"You okay Mitch?" Alikai asks.

"I'm fine." I'm tired of people asking that. I put my hand through my hair and lean back in my chair. I cross my arms.

"You s-"

"Yes I am." I look at her. Alikai looks at me concern.

"Okay." Alikai said. Jerome comes in.

"Hey Mitch come on. We got Jabbits to deal with." Jerome said. I look at him.

"Yeah right now what's the real problem?"

"That's it." Jerome said.

"Jerome Jabbits never come out of the Forbidden Forest." Ian said. Jerome crosses his arms.

"Then why are they in the South Village?" Jerome asks. My eyes widen.

"What?" Alex asks in disbelief.

"The Forbidden Forest is in the North not the South." Alikai said. I look at the table. Jabbits are half demon half monster. They has sharp fangs and sharp claws, silver fur, are about 7 feet long, 5 feet high, two tails with sharp ends, blood red eyes, and are wicked fast. They have enough poison in their fangs to take out a full herd horses with one bite only. They screech very very loud and it's the last thing you hear before they strike.

"Maybe let someone with magic deal with them then." Alex said.

"What think we can't do just because we don't have magic?" Alex looks at me and my eyes meet hers. I stand up and walk pass Jerome.

"Let's go." Alikai runs out following us.

"Wait take someone with you then." Alikai said.

"That's why Stryker and Amber are coming with us. We need someone with master archery skills like Mitch." Jerome said. Alikai stops and we leave her.

"How many are there?"

"We don't know but we got a messager from the South saying they are there and to send help." Jerome said. I bet Sky can deal with them easy.

"Okay where are they currently?" We get on horses and Stryker and Amber comes up behind us.

" IN the village still but that could change. Strkyer and Amber you two protect the village. Us two will find them." Jerome said.

"You must be out of your mind." Stryker said. I put my hood up. I'm fine with that plan. The South village has many advantage points.

"Sounds good to me." Amber looks at me.

"Maybe Mitch shouldn't come with us." Amber said. For some reason I'm not offended by that comment.

"Amber." Stryker said.

"Let's go."

???'s P.O.V
"He's gone." I put my hands on the ground where he was.

"No problem. It's expected. The more he comes into contact with you the more his demon side slips out. So do us a favor and meet with him. You'll know what to do." He said. I smirk.

"I do."

Demons: Book 11 of the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now