Chapter 26

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Third Person P.O.V
Alesa's eyes trail to Sky who is talking to Seto about something. She bites her bottom lip as her eyes trail down him. She doesn't want to love Sky but she does. She has been here for about two days and Mitch hasn't left for the demons base yet. But she also can't keep her eyes off of Sky. She pulls her hood up and glues her eyes to the table. Seto still hasn't told Midnight about him dying within a month. Amber is sitting across from Alesa. Amber is looking at Alesa. Amber signs. They haven't spoke a word to each other very much. But Amber can see something between Alesa and Sky that she is standing in the way of. Sky comes and sits on the table near Amber. He turns halfway and looks at Alesa.

"What's up with her?" Sky asks. Amber crosses her arms and leans back in her seat. She looks from Sky to Alesa. Alesa meets her eyes.

"Sky, Seto, can we have the room?" Amber asks. They leave. Alesa looks up hearing the door shut and looks at Amber. She was about to say something when Amber cuts her off. "If your trying to hide the fact you have a massive crush on Sky, it's not really working on me." Alesa looks at Amber.

"I don't want to come between you two Amber. I swear I don't. Midnight told me about how you were by his side when he was dying from the blight curse." Alesa said. Amber nods. "I thought it wouldn't be a problem anymore, but it still is." Amber thinks for a second and uncrosses her arms.

"You talk as if you know something we don't." Amber said.

"I...I have a cure for it actually." Alesa said. Amber jumps out of her chair slamming her hands on the table leaning forwards slightly.

"Come again?" She asks.

"I created a cure that can expel any curse. Even the blight curse." Alesa said. Amber stares at Alesa for a second. She points a finger at Alesa.

"Are you fudging with me?" Amber asks. Alesa shakes her head.

"Nope. I tested it, it works in my friends line of work." Alesa said.

"And who are your friends?" Amber asks. Alesa grins slightly.

"Now that's classified info Amber. But their leader was Austin's best friend." Alesa said. Amber thinks for a second and looks at Alesa.

"You talking about Shane aren't you?" Amber asks. Alesa feels like a knife stabbed her in the heart and looks at the table.

"Yeah. You know, Sky reminds me a lot like Shane. They are both amazing fighters. Austin did have Sky train and fight to match Shane's fighting style." Alesa said.

"About this cure, can it cure Sky's blight curse?" Amber asks. Alesa looks at Amber.

"Of course. But with his brine side, I don't know how it would react to that. Anything could happen." Alesa said. Amber sits back down.

"That curse slows him down Alesa. Take off his amulet and he can't move. He got it because of Kitty...wait." Amber said.

"The clues were there all along that something about Kitty was off. She is the reason why Sky got the blight curse. That he was almost killed several times cause she couldn't fight for herself." Alesa said. Amber looks towards the door.

"That enemies seem to know this base inside out without every having to enter it." Amber said looking back at Alesa.

"Getting close to the most important and powerful person in Minecraftia. Crawling into his heart and use her words and his feelings to manipulate him slowly, to guild him to his grave. have to admit Amber, you got to be a little impressed how cunning and deceitful Kitty really was." Alesa said. Amber nods slightly.

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