Chapter 15

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Third Person P.O.V
Sky moves his his arm slightly but pain stops him. He groans a little. Amber looks up a little.

"Sky. Don't push yourself." Amber said as she rubs a cold wet towel on his forehead. His fever is still alive and so is the curse. It went down a bit and isn't on his face anymore. But is on his arm and chest. Sky looks at Amber.

"You don't h-have to waste your time h-here." Sky said wearily. Amber stops for a bit. She moves closer to Sky. She is on a chair next to his bed. She rubs the towel on his neck.

"I'm not wasting my time. I want you to get better. Get back to the Sky I know and lo-like." Amber said. Amber holds his hand stilling rubbing the towel against his neck with her other hand. "Besides, I like spending time with you. Even if your sick. I will take care of you." Sky smiles a bit but then coughs a few times. "Go back to sleep. You need your strength." Sky looks at Amber for a second. He squeezes her hand making her smile and blush a little. He closes his eyes and drifts off after a while. Alex comes in with her hands in her pockets. "How bad is Seto?"

"He will be fine. He needs a few days of rest to gather his strength back. How's Sky?" Alex asks. Amber smiles.

"His fever is lower and the curse seceded a lot. It's not on his face or neck but on his one arm and chest." Amber said. Alex smiles.

"That's good. Told you he will be fine after a while." Alex said. Amber loses her smile.

"But still Alex, he seems so weak still."
Amber said. Alex puts her hand on Amber's shoulder.

"Amber this is taking a heavy toll on Sky. A heavy one. He is gonna be weak from the curse being active and having a fever at the same time. I don't expect for him to be running around the day after this is over. I expect for him to be in bed for a day or two." Alex said.

"I guess your right." Amber said. She feels the towel getting warm. She dips it in a bucket of cold water next to her. Alex looks at it.

"Your taking good care of him Amber. It because of you Sky will get back on his feet soon and give those demons a lesson they won't forget." Alex said smiling. Amber smiles.

"After Kitty I expected for him to be so much more close off. What happened with Alesa...he looked crushed." Amber said wiping the towel against the side of Sky's face. Alex puts her hands in her coat pockets.

"He was completely crushed about Kitty. He told me himself about how he felt cause he just broke down in front of me. But he seems to be comfortable around you Amber. Unlike when he was around Kitty. He always seem tense. Alesa...she brings nothing but trouble." Alex said. Amber looks at Alex.

"Really?" She asks.

"It doesn't matter. What matters is that he seems to be more relaxed when your around him. That's good Amber. Alesa and Kitty were those terrible x-girlfriends you don't want to know about from your boyfriend." Alex said. Amber looks at Alex for a few seconds and then at Sky.

"We're not a thing Alex." Amber said. Alex smiles.

"Then why you holding his hand?" Alex asks. Amber holds his hand tighter.

"No reason." Amber said quietly.

"You two are gonna happen. I can see it." Alex said walking away. Amber stands up and kisses Sky's cheek. She sits back down.

"Love you Sky." Amber said quietly. Sky's chest rises and falls making Amber smile a little. "At least you don't have trouble breathing anymore." Amber moves Sky's shirt to see his chest. It went down a lot and is just on his shoulder and arm. Amber smiles big. "O my god yes." She looks at his face. "Now if only your fever would disappear." The door opens and the doctor comes in. He stops next to Amber.

Demons: Book 11 of the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now