Chapter 21

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Third Person P.O.V
"We need to talk." Amber said. Sky looks at her.

"About what?" He asks. Amber pushes him into a room. She shut the door.

"I didn't mean for what happen to happen. But since you clearly can control you-"

"I can control myself Amber. I'm not Herobrine here." Sky said. Tears start forming in her eyes.

"I know. I know your not. I'm sorry. I don't want you to hate me Sky. You mean so much to me. I don't want you to hate me." Amber said. Sky's eyes look down at the floor as he crosses his arms.

"I would never hate you." Sky said. Amber takes a step towards Sky.

"You...You don't?" Amber asks. Sky looks at her.

"I did overreact." Sky said.

"No. No you didn't. I went too far bringing Dylan and Herobrine into it. I just...I'm not ready to lose you already Sky." Amber said. They both blush lightly.

"Wh-What are you saying?" Sky asks.

"I lo-"

"Pathetic." Someone said interrupting Amber. Sky turns around.

"Kitty." Amber said. Sky pulls out his sword and puts Amber behind him. Kitty smiles.

"Long time, no see." Kitty said.

"Get out of here." Sky said. Kitty grins walking towards them.

"So she is my replacement? Couldn't do any better?" Kitty asks. Raven appears. Amber opens the door.

"What will it take for you to finally die Sky?!" Raven said.

"Go Amber." Sky said. Amber leaves. Raven smiles.

"This time...This time I'll make sure you are dead." Raven said. 
Amber runs into the Training Area seeing Ty and Ian.

"Raven and Kitty are here!" Amber said running up to them.

"Tell Ghost." Ty said to Amber. Ty goes into his ender form leaving instantly. Ian goes too. Ty flies outside and sees an explosion go off. Sky gets pushed out of the smoke and gets up to his feet. Ty lowers towards the ground and sees Kitty going after Sky. Ty grabs Kitty and takes her with him. Kitty looks at Ty as they get higher in the air. "Let's see if cats really do always land on their feet." Kitty grabs Ty holding him tight.

"Ty, please don't!" Kitty screams. Kitty looks down seeing how far they area. Ghost flies pass them smiling.

"What's up Kitty?" Ghost asks. Kitty looks at Ghost.

"Why?" Kitty asks. Kitty looks at Ty. Ty's eyes glow purple and he grins. Kitty's eyes widen. "Have mercy." Ty grips her arms tighter.

"M-Mercy? Your kidding right? I don't give mercy to traitorous people like you." Ty said. Ty lets go of her. Kitty screams as she goes towards the ground. Ty looks at Ghost.

"If I win, I get to decide what the wedding looks like." Ghost said.

"Deal." Ty said. Ghost drives down after Kitty. She grabs her leg and Kitty stops.

"Thank you." Kitty said. Ghost lets go of Kitty and she hits the ground. Ghost puts her feet on the ground. She crosses her arms. Ty hovers over the ground behind her. Kitty looks at them.

"Let's play a little game." Ty said.
Raven grabs Amber putting a sword on her neck. Sky stops when he sees.

"No don't." Sky said. Raven grins.

"Oooo. Did I hit a soft spot? This girl?" Raven asks. Mitch appears next to Raven hitting the sword out of her hand. Mitch pushes Amber towards Sky and Sky catches her. Amber collapses against Sky. Mitch kicks Raven and elbows her in the face. She backs away looking at him. She grins. Sky puts Amber behind him. "Nice to know you won't use your demon side Mitch. Why?"

"Let's just say the rage that comes with it is very uncontrollable." Mitch said as he pulls out his bow. "But worth it." Mitch turns into his demon form which gives him a red tail, blood on his clothes and ripping them a little, and finally red dragon like eyes. His bow turns into a flame like thing(just look at the cover for what the bow looks like). Raven crosses her arms. Jason appears next to Mitch. "So nice to have you join us Jason." Jason rolls his eyes. He goes into his wither form.

"So is this how it is gonna be now Sky? You cowarding behind people?" Raven asks. Sky clenches his fist. Mitch puts an arrow in his bow. "I know you've been useless and pathetic. Your a nobody without your army protecting you. You can't do anything with them. You are just using them for fame. Y-"

"Sky is the coolest and nicest person you will ever meet." A recruit said. Sky looks towards them. Recruits have their weapons out. Sky smiles slightly.

"Yeah. He gave us a second chance." Thunder said.

"He has his bad and good days. But he never gave up on us." Stryker said.

"Most of these recruits are ones that Sky rescued Raven. Most were saved from depression, didn't fit in, and more. And he found each one of us. Took us in and built the Sky Army to what it is today. Now he may be a pain in the ass sometimes." Mitch said.

"Hey." Sky said. Mitch smiles.

"He has a good heart. And good intentions and plans, even though those plans are very questionable at times. He is the best Leader and friend you will ever have." Mitch said. Sky smiles looking at the ground. Raven crosses her arms narrowing her eyes at Sky.

"Funny. Your talking about a brine. Brines are nothing but pure evil. That time will come Sky when that rage inside of you will completely consume you. You know it is coming and it is coming very fast. You'll turn against everyone. What will the Sky Army do then?" Raven asks.

"He won't turn against us." A recruit said. Sky looses his smile. He knows about that and it is coming very fast. Mitch looks at Sky and then at Raven. He shoots the arrow at her and she catches it.

"Is that it?" Raven asks.

"Nope." Mitch said.

Thanks for all the get well soon wishes guys!! I'm feeling a lot better. So Faded Words will come out maybe on Thursday or Friday or Saturday. I don't know but thanks for everything!! 😄

Demons: Book 11 of the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now