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"Mira, how wonderful to see you again" Charlie greets me and I stick my tongue out at him, so mature of me but that's all I can do

"Charlie! Why didn't you tell me you were coming over" Daisy, my Step-mum exclaims and hugs him, she always preferred him over me for some reason but her favourite is her actual son, Seth, the goody two shoes but I love him for it

"Mira, that was Jason, Julie and Kate, they want to know if you babysit Olivia, Harry, Kiki and Chester this weekend" she tells me

"Okay" I reply excitedly, I love those little devils,

"Good because I already said you would" she replies, I love her but sometimes she jumps into things way too quickly and is always excited and bouncy

"Oh by the way David is coming home tomorrow afternoon or Wednesday morning" dad says from the couch where he is supposedly working but I know that he isn't, he's really fast at what he does, so the longest it has ever taken him to finish is an hour and five minutes, he's a really important lawyer of some kind, Daisy never believed that he could finish that quickly, so she thought he was lazy, so now he gets to watch movies so that Daisy will believe he actually does his work properly

"Yay!' I yell maybe a bit too loudly, David is my older cousin, and he's also my favourite, he is my best friend other than Kelly

But I hardly get to see him since he is in the army, he's probably coming back because he is getting married on Sunday to his fiancée Sophie, Sophie is lovely and pregnant and I can tell that they love each other no matter what

"So what brings you here?" I ask Charlie my curiosity getting the best of me

"Well, I have an announcement to make... at dinner" he replies. I hate him so much, he knows I hate waiting once I know something interesting is going to happen

"Dad" I yell

"Yes honey?" he yells back, even though we are only ten metres away and are able to hear each just fine at normal volume

"Can we have dinner now?" I ask him and he looks up

"Sure, I'll order Pizza" he says getting up and ordering it

"We can't have dinner at four thirty" Daisy says shocked and grumpy looking, wow, she's actually showing some other emotion besides from happiness

"Yeah we can according to Mira" Seth and Charlie both say in unison

Minutes later the doorbell rings

"Dinner is here" dad announces coming back into the room holding five boxes of pizza

We all grab ours, by all I mean the kids, Daisy just sniffs poshly for a second before politely taking her pizza, I have never seen the point in being polite, and it doesn't get you anywhere or help with anything

"So what did you want to tell us?" I ask Charlie and only then does it dawn on everyone why I wanted to have dinner early

"I'm getting married" he says and my heart drops, he can't do this to me, he promised he'd be no younger than twenty-five and who's he marrying?

While the rest of the table is buzzing with happiness I get up and start to leave, taking my pizza with me, I pause at the bottom of the stairs to see if anyone has noticed that I'm not there

"Who are you marrying?" I hear Daisy ask, there's a pause

"Clarissa Evens, you might remember her" Charlie replies

And my heart breaks

He also promised that he wouldn't marry anyone that I don't like

I should know by now that he doesn't keep his promises

He was coming homeWhere stories live. Discover now