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I hate my life, I hate my life

To be precise I hate the police, they ruin everything and they think they know everything and have a right to know and they won't stop until they have all the information

"Who called the police?" The police asks us, by us I mean everyone in the whole entire school

And everyone raises their hands besides from me and Nathan lowers his once he sees that I'm glaring at him, how did everyone call the police at once

"That explains all the six hundred and three phone calls" one of them mutters, wow maybe they did

"So everyone has had something stolen from them" they ask, everyone, including me, nods in response, some yell yes or yeah

"We will need an office" the third one requests and a teacher who came out to see what the commotion was all about nods and motions them to follow her

"This is going to be so much fun" I say sarcastically

It's nearly half past four by the time it's my turn, I'm the last one, my so called boyfriend ditched me because apparently he's got better things to do

"Name" they say

"Mira Allen" I tell them, I watch them write my name down, and of course they spell my name wrong

"It's M-i-r-a" I spell it out to them and they look at me and rewrite it

"So what has been stolen from you?" They ask me

"Well let's see, a necklace, a phone, mm, a watch, bracelet, computer, a trophy, and money" I say after thinking for a minute

"Okay, do you have any ideas on who took these items?" They ask after writing that down

"Well the principal has always seemed a little sketchy" I reply and the nod

"You may go" they tell me simply and I leave without a word

O course I have to walk home, I gather my stuff and start heading the road, when I see a familiar car pull up, my cousin Tristan opens the door and comes over to me

"Want a lift?" He asks me and I nod

"So how was school?" He asks

"Terrible" I answer

"How's Kelly?" He asks

"I don't know and I don't care" I reply shortly

"You two had a fight?" He asks making a left turn

"Yeah, she started it" I say looking out the window

"What did she do this time?" He asks me stopping at lights, me and jelly have fought before but this time will be the last time

"Oh this and that, took my boyfriend, skipped school, said bad things about me to her family , everything" I reply and he nods

"I never really liked her anyway" he says as he pulls into the driveway of my house

I say goodbye and watch him drive away, I wonder why he's in town?

"How was school?" Dad asks from the couch

"Terrible" I answer

"How's Kelly?" He then asks, and I sigh

"I don't know and I don't care" I reply sitting down next to him

"You two had a fight?" He comments

"Yeah, she started it" I say looking out the window into the garden

"What did she do this time?" He asks muting the tv

"Oh this and that, took my boyfriend, skipped school, said bad things about me to her family, everything" I reply and he nods

"I never really liked her anyway" he says

I feel like I've had this conversation before

When I go up to my room to do my maths I find that it has been destroyed completely

"Dad!" I yell and oh ear him run up stairs

"What is it?" He asks calmly and I point it my room

"What happened to my room?" I ask him angrily

"I have no idea, honey, it couldn't have been Seth because he's been at his mums all day" he replies

"Has anyone else been here today?" I ask, still very angry

"Well no...actually your brother dropped in" he replies

"I'm going to kill him!" I scream

The next day, after hours of plotting revenge against Charlie

I walk into shook and the first thing I see is jelly and Nathan kissing.....just kidding, I see the police arresting Mr Davy

I skip over to them

"What's going on?" I ask like I already didn't know

"We have found Howard Davy guilty of stealing from students" the woman explains gently

"Oh and while your at it, his wife is kind of crazy and-" I don't get to finish my sentence as someone pushes me onto the floor, I look up to see Mrs Davy

"Look what you've done!! You little conceited brat!" She screams at me, I'm guessing she didn't notice the police standing right behind her, I fake cry even though I want to laugh

She tries to get kick me but gets pulled back by the police

So she got arrested to, so it seems that we need a new English teacher and principal

"What just happened?" Nathan asks me quietly

"We don't have a principal or a crazy English teacher" I answer grinning, realizing what we can do while we have the chance

"Come on!" I shout to Gem and Nathan, running towards the hall

Today is going to be so much fun

He was coming homeWhere stories live. Discover now