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The good news: so far Seth hasn't found me

The bad news: I am still starving

The in between news: it's been three hours and David isn't here

The horrific news: I saw Charlie and his fiancée kiss for about five minutes, they literally kissed for five minutes without taking a breath, it was disgusting

The I'm dead news: Seth has found me I repeat Seth has found me and he looks really mad; so much for being a goody two shoes

The sad news: I fell down the stairs, fine but it was embarrassing

"Mira dinner" Daisy calls from the living room, Clarissa is here for dinner so I'm not coming down until David gets here

It would be easier to fight Ares than get me down there with her

"I'm not hungry" I yell back, that's a big fat lie

"You always are hungry" Charlie yells back, that's true

"Well I'm not today, besides I'm going to a friends" I yell back and no one answers

I sit on my bed contemplating what to do now

I could go for a walk

Or I could plan my revenge or just plan how I'm going to get food so I don't starve

The next morning
"Wake up!" Someone yells in my ear and o groan and roll over, I don't want to get up

And then I feel hot and cold water on me and I sit up alert and see Clarissa standing next to my bed with a fake smile

And she leans over

"Get out" I snap

"Look, if you ruin my relationship with Charles then you will pay" she wants me, Charles? He hates that name and how and why would I ruin their perfect relationship?

"What makes you think I will?" I ask pushing her out of my room

She's very persistent, I'll give her that 

"You've already ruined it once, so why not again" she replies strutting back to the spare room, I hate her so much

And it's five am

Seriously, was it really that necessary?

Now I'm going to be tired today for no reason what so ever

Maybe I should go to school super early and be a really good student and study

Yeah no

Revenge is near or not, chocolate sounds good right now

I hope people will leave me alone at school today, I am not in the mood for people today or tomorrow or the day after tomorrow or any day this week

Two hours later
I'm kind of worried something's wrong, David still isn't here and he said he'd be here yesterday and you can't blame it on traffic this time

I go down stairs fully dressed and ready for school to find dad reading newspaper at the kitchen bench, this isn't normal, Dad's usual wake up time is after 9 never has it ever been 7

"What are you doing up?" I ask him completely weirded out

"Oh, Clarissa was talking lay night about how it's better for you if you wake up earlier and she convinced us to give it a shot" he replies, taking a bite of avocado and Vegemite toast

He doesn't like avocado

"I thought you did like avocado" I say grabbing a cup and filling it with Apple juice

He was coming homeWhere stories live. Discover now