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"What are you doing here?" I ask him

"I want to talk" Alec replies

"Well I don't want to talk to you" I reply trying to push him out of my house

"Find then, I don't even know why I bothered coming over here to see if I can forgive you or not" he snapped and tried to leave but I stopped him

"Why would you need to forgive me?" I ask him

"You cheated on me" he replies

"Oh no I didn't" I say

I want to punch him

""Yeah I saw you kiss that Nathan kid" he snaps

"Yeah but that was after we were pretty much over and before you say anything, yes I saw you kiss Kelly" I snap back an he just walks off

And surprise, surprise Kelly walks up, steam is pretty much coming out if her ear that's how angry she is

"Don't talk to my boyfriend like that" she hisses

"Honey, I can talk to whoever in whatever way I like. Because, babe, you ain't the boss of me, now get your ugly face out of my property" I reply sweetly and she storms off

"Mira, you in there?" I hear Nathan ask from the door

"Yeah" I reply and he walks in

"Hi!" I say happily, finally someone I actually like is here

When I tun around he seems a bit upset over something

"What's wrong?" I ask him

"Nothing" he answers way too quickly

"Are you sure?" I question not believing him one bit

"Yeah I'm sure" he snaps making me sure that something isn't right

"Sorry, it's just that my dad gets on my nerves a lot" he says

"And you can make me nervous" he adds

"How?" I ask him but he never replies

"By the way, your brother is running around the city looking like a lunatic yelling something about a Fin and crazy and killing himself. and Amara is kissing Gem's brother and Gem does not look happy" Nathan says instead and I nearly choke on air 

"I shouldn't be surprised" I say laughing 

"By the way have seen the rest of my family?" i ask him, where are they all

"no, except for your cousins widowed girlfriend and her babies. they were at the park and the girl was fully dressed up as Cinderella while the boy was dressed up as prince charming and they looked to be reenacting what happened to Cinderella and not the happy one" he replies

"Why oh why is she obsessed with Cinderella?" I ask 

"Maybe because she met you and all her sanity went out the window" he replies 

"What are you saying?" i question looking at him threateningly but it probably isn't working 

"Nothing much, just that you are crazy and drive people insane" he replies 

"You are so dead" I tell him and start chasing him around the house 

I stop when I notice that he doesn't seem to running/walking right 

"Are you sure your okay?" i ask 

"I just tripped on the way here" he replies

"Meow" what was that?

"Meow" it goes again, it's coming from my room... I never left anything strange in there, unless Seth got home early and went into my room without my permission and set some dangerous animal loose in there

"Meow" it says again 

"what is that?" I ask 

"I don't know, but it's coming from your room" he replies 

I walk towards my room and i count to two and swing open the door, to see the weirdest looking animal sitting in a bed 

they're mini lions! or tigers

"Look their just Kittens" Nathan says, or that...

they are very cute 

"I'm going to keep them" I decide smiling 

"How did they get in here though?" Nathan asks 

good question the only other person that seems to have been in this house all day is Charlie but why would Charlie do that? all he can think about is himself. and sometimes his wife 

"Let's play with them" I suggest and he just gives me a look and drags me out of the room


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  wait.... Amara was kissing jerkface?!   

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