September 10, 2015

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I sincerely can't wait for tomorrow!!!! I'm not joking.
Yay 9/11.

But don't worry. It's not for the reason you may think.

Tomorrow bring me the horizon comes out with their new album. They're my favorite band.

Right now I'm eating a baked potato. Every time I eat a baked potato or anything that consist of potatoes I try to think of what it was like in Ireland during the potato famine.

I honestly think that I wouldn't mind to live during that time because potatoes are nice

They have
Potato chips
French fries
Sweet potato fries (my favorite)
Baked potato
Tater tots

I'm I think I could survive off of that diet.

Last Saturday I was walking down the street and I was wearing my school pride shirt. An older man recognize what I school it was he said,

"Hey I went there. Those were the best six years of my life."
I just nodded in response. There were two things that I started thinking about when he said those words.

1. Why did he say six years. Maybe he got held back or he probably said six instead of for on accident. I don't know.

2. I'm not feeling the "high school experience". It doesn't feel like I would have the best years of my life here.

Yes it is a good school. I really do like it but it don't seem "magical" or "memorable".

Later that day I went to a UCLA football game. It was the first game of the season and it was my first division one college football game. Daniel went to but, we didn't talk much.

Actually I don't think we talked at all.

The only thing I did do was text him, "I C U" and he texted back "where are you?"

We didn't cone together. We didn't even know that the other was going.

I found out he was there after I saw his snap chat story.

It was a picture of the UCLA cheerleaders on the field and he wrote "I like the cheerleaders"

Honestly that was the first time I ever heard (or read in this case) say "I like...." about a lady.

He even told me he never had a girlfriend or even kissed a girl.

Well.... now to think about it. He's probably either very picky or......he's I hope it's the first one. I would at least like to know I have a shot.

Honestly I never really liked a guy as much as I like Daniel.

UCLA won by the way. Nothing really interesting happen during the game.

Yesterday was a really bad day.

It wasn't the bad day where one thing happens to you and u just want to go inside your closest and cry yourself to sleep for the rest of the night.

It was the type of bad day where bad things happen all day (kinda like bad luck) Then at the end of the day your just like I hope tomorrow is a better day and you just sorta laugh it off.

The start of the day I was in a really big coffee mood but my mom would not take me. All she would do is complain about how ugly my outfit was and how short and ugly my hair is.

Then during Biology we got all our papers back from weeks prior. I failed most of them.

Then we took a test in Spanish which I got a D on which didn't surprise me because I failed every test this year so far. I don't understand how I keep failing because I study nearly every night.

Then my history teacher showed us this video of this guy getting stripped and burned alive because the city purposely spilled tar on him. Oh and the bad part of this was that when they stripped him I saw his private part. I don't like looking at people's private parts. It doesn't seem like a nice thing to do. But this guy had such a small penis and such a hairy area, it looked like a baby mushroom growing out of grass that hasn't been cut in a few mouths.

Then on our way home my mom and I were hungry so we stopped by Mí Ranchito (a restaurant.) We ordered it to go. I got a VEGETARIAN burrito. When I got home and started eating it I noticed there where a few slices of meat I'm it. I was furious. I don't know why they put meat in it. I honestly didn't eat the rest because I noticed there was meat in it but the weird thing is that I didn't taste any meat in it. So I'm hoping they only put it in the second half. That's what I want to believe.

Then yesterday at cheer practice was red, white, and blue day because it was the last day of cheer practice this week before 9/11. I didn't have any red, white, or blue cheer clothes so I thought it would be a good idea to dye my stomach red and blue. Long story short it was a bad idea and the dye got everywhere. It was even in my vagina and I peed purple (red and blue make purple)

Then the worst thing of the day happened. When I got home to cheer I texted Daniel,

"do you want to go to six flags next Saturday?"

His birthday is next Saturday and he loves six flags so u thought he would be interested. But it's been a while and he didn't reason so I checked my phone to find that he left me on read.

So then I laid down in bed and just hoped tomorrow would be better. I fell asleep to my favorite song by Twenty One Pilots, Car Radio.

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