September 13, 2015

14 1 0

I got alot of things accomplished this weekend.

Friday I got my progress report. So far I'm doing really good. I have all A's and to B's

Yesterday, I sorta kinda asked Daniel on a...... date?

Well I ask if he wanted to go to six flags next weekend. I even did it in person. I thought it would be perfect timing because his birthday is next weekend.

I think it would be pretty cool to go to six flags with him because last time I went with him I was in the 5th grade.

He said he may go. He doesn't know for sure because it's his birthday and his family might plan something.

I really hope he comes.

Today I finished all of my homework. That made me happy because sometimes I stress out over homework I forgot to do or complete.

I also read my story on wattpad so far and omg. I think it's crappy. I have so many spelling mistakes and some of the stories seem weird looking back at those moments. Reading it also made me realize that no one really stayed in my life and I keep meeting people. I still have not met my clique yet. That kinda makes me sad.

The only person that I did notice that I talked about constantly was Daniel. And I dont like being one of those types of girls that talk about guys 24/7 but he truly makes me feel different.

I just wish he could like me the same.

Then I also want to apologize because I realize I didn't described certain events really go, so I'm going to try and improve on that.

I finished that paper I had to do for English today. I got a perfect score on it. And I really like it. I'm thinking of editing the chapter when I went to warped tour to my essay because it's really cool.

Today I also finished printing all of the fliers I need to put around the school for the campaign. This is voting week for homecoming princess so

wish me luck.

Yours Fucking Truly,

That Girl

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