April 3, 2016

14 1 0

Spring Break was anything but uneventful. There were some highlights and other moments that were just an annoyance.

Our first destination was Vallejo, California. We got there late Wednesday night the hotel we stayed in was right across from a theme park, Six Flags.

The Hotel sucked...especially the pool. It had two beds (i slept with my mom and my brother slept with my dad) in a really cramped space. So my family checked out first thing Thursday morning.

Thursday we went to Six Flags Discovery Kingdom. My whole family loved it there...except me.

It was like if zoo and Knotts Berry Farm had a baby (two places I dislike.)

Animals and Rollercoaster just don't seem like a good mix.

I prefer Six Flags Magic Mountain.

After we left we went to San Francisco.

We didn't get there until late Thursday night.

This hotel we stayed it we way better that the first one even though it didn't have a pool. This hotel was only a one bedroom and much roomier.

Friday, my mom made the family go on two tourist tours. I thought this was stupid because we live in California. Why do we need to tour a place we already live in?

The tour guide was saying facts that 5 year old me already knew.

Sacramento is the capitol of California.

The golden gate bridge isn't actually golden.

The gold rush happened in California.

Alot of earthquakes happen in California.

The first McDonald's was in California as well as In N Out.

Fortune cookies actually originated in San Francisco, not China.

San Francisco has a large LGBT population

Marilyn Monroe's real name is Norma Jean.

Stuff like that.
I felt like I was back in Kindergarten.

The tours took all day and by the time we got back from our hotel the sun nearly set.

That night when we got to the hotel we all lied were we were going to sleep (mom and dad- bed, brother- one couch, me- the other couch)

I couldn't sleep that easily....I don't know why. My brother was just on his phone. And as for my mom and dad they were having sex.

This isn't the first time my parents have done this in a hotel room while my brother and I are in it.

I have no idea why they think this is okay and appropriate on a "family trip."

"You we are still up and we could hear you!" I yelled. I was so tired of this happening. I just exploded.

Neither of them said a word in response but they just simply stopped and fell asleep.

I did not fall asleep until 3ish.

Saturday was the original day we were supposed to leave. We were supposed to go to Stanford University look around the camps then go home.

But that's not what happen. We didn't leave the hotel room until noonish. Then I picked out this vegan restaurant I wanted to try out. The food was really good.

Then is was about 3 o'clock when we got to Stanford.

I was really looking forward to this part of the trip because this is my dream school.

Stanford was even better than I imagined part of me never wanted to leave but we had to.

My mom and dad decided it was to late to go back home now so we drove to Monterey Bay and stayed there for the night.

The hotel we stayed in was the best one we stayed in on this vacation trip. It had a beautiful view of the bay.

The next morning we went to the Monterey Aquarium. I don't like aquariums. They are basically an underwater zoo.

My family didn't like it either and thought it was a waste of time. We did not leave the aquarium until 3 o'clock. We drove on long the coast home.

Every 10 minutes my mom wanted to stop and take pictures of the ocean. I was the only one who was in a rush to go home because I was the only one who had school the next day and neither of my parents had to go to work.

Then we drove past this water fall and my dad and brother wanted to get a closer look at it.

We didn't get home until 12:30. I was so tired I had no clue how I was going to wake up in time for school.

I set my alarm for 4:10 am then feel asleep. When it went off I woke up and turned it off and went back to sleep.

I woke up at 7:30 and I'm supposed to be at school at 7:30. I looked at my phone and notice Cindy texted me several times wondering where I was.

I didn't get to school until a few past 8:00. I didn't realize until I got to school that I forgot my ID at home and I was scared that they were going to give me a hard time at the front office.

Luckily they were cool about it.

The rest of the day was pretty good.
In fact my whole week was pretty good.....until Friday, April 1st...i got in trouble.

Later that day I met with my counselor to request the classes I take next year:

AP Calculus
English 10 Honors
Chemistry Honors
Creative Writing
Spanish 3 Honors

I'm most excited for creative writing.

Swim practice was really really weird.

So I have this friend named Ryan. He is also Daniel's friend.

They look exactly alike, talk exactly alike, and even have the same funny personality. Ryan is also much smarter.

The only difference is, Ryan has a girl friend she's a senior and he's a junior.

He tells me how he thinks she's cheating on him with another guy on our swim team. But I don't think so. She would be really dumb to cheat on Ryan especially if it's with someone he sees everyday.

I don't know why but these last few days I've developed feeling for Ryan. I keep telling myself that I only think I like him because he's just like Daniel.

But it's not working and I'm really really really into him. That doesn't mean I want to ruin his relationship or anything but it doesn't mean I'm not going to think of certain things either.

I haven't told anyone because I don't want to make things awkward between Ryan and I because he's one of my best friends on the swim team.

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