Something New

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Onika Maraj (Nicki) Pov-8:14
I'm just now getting off work, I work at a little boutique around the corner from my house. I was now headed home and man was I tired as soon as I opened the door my dog Sassy greeted me. "Hey sassy" I smiled he she barked "hey girl" my roommate Chrissy said "what's up" I signed "how was work" she laugh. "Like you really care" I laughed and took of my jacket, she chuckled Chrissy has been my roommate/best friend for 7 years. "Oh yea I have a date set for you tomorrow" she said smirking "no thanks I'm not interested" I signed "why not" she whined. " Because every time you set me on a date it goes bad" I said "how about you try online dating" she cheered " don't you watch catfish I'm not taking any chances" I signed. " C'mon let's just try it not for seriousness but for fun" she pushed me upstairs in my office room. "How about black people met" she said I signed and shrugged my shoulders, it took at least 15 minutes until we officially logged in I really didn't like this idea but I'm sick of being lonely Chrissy has a girlfriend I never questioned my sexuality. I knew I liked men, "ooo what about her"Chrissy smiled "HIM,I want a HIM" I demanded and she huffed.
Turns out we found someone he was very good looking "Don Benjamin" I whispered "he's cute" Chrissy smiled, "lest send him a message" Chrissy cheered I nodddd. Hello my name his Nicki I saw you on the site and admired how hadsome you are would you like to talk or meet up sometime? -Nicki, I typed away I was feeling pretty confident about this onlie dating mess. I closed my Apple computer and signed, lets see how this turns out.
~~ 2 weeks later
I was at work texting Don we've been texting for at least a week and he's such a spiritual person. He see's things in such a positive way, he's just.....amazing. "Nicki your shift is over" my manager said I just nodded and focused on my phone.
Getting off work-nicki
Were do you work?-Don
A boutique-nicki
That's cool-Don
How about when I get home we can talk on the phone-nicki
No thanks i gotta go -Don
I srunched up my eye brows why wouldn't he wanna talk to me maybe he was just in a rush. I gathered my belongings and went home.
This was just a quick chapter just to put out what im writting about. Leave comments tell me what you think longer chapter on the way. I know this chapter is boring but its just a outline on Nicki's life.

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