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Okay so I can see I'm getting views and comments and to me that's AWESOME!! Keep giving me comments and votes because well you guys are motivating me to continue this book okay loves enjoys this short chapter
Nicki Pov-1 month later/1:30
Today was the day I decided I'd let Chrissy and Beyoncé meet, I was a little skeptical about it because I'm pretty sure Chrissy is still mad about what she did but if I can forgive her then she can also. I think I want them to meet because it has been the best 3 months of my life even though in the beginning she lied to me but I can now see the forgiveness and sorrow in her eyes. As I pulled into the parking lot of Starbucks I automatically spotted Chrissy's car I looked over at Yonce and she smiled as I grabbed her hand even though we're not together I do have feelings for her. "You ready" I asked opening my door and she nodded, we both got out the car and walked up to Starbucks as we got closer I could tell by the look on Bey's face she was nervous and I found it cute. I chuckled "It's okay she can be feisty at times but overall she very sweet and nice" I said smiling, she nodded and kissed my cheek. I opened the door as the smell of fresh coffee hit my face I looked around for Chrissy and saw her sitting in a booth drinking ice coffee, "Hey best friend" I said smiling and hugging her "Hey girly" she hugged my back and looked at Bey and signed. "Hi I'm Beyoncé but you can call me Bey" she stuck out her hand and Chrissy looked at it in disgust "I think I'll just call you Beyoncé" she said not shaking Bey's hand. Jesus please let this go well.
Beyoncé Pov
"So you think it's okay to lie to people and hide your real identity well let me tell you something bi-" "HEY" Chrissy got cut off by Nicki I held my hand up. "Look I understand what I did was wrong and I can take full responsibility for my actions I love Nicki and she's accepted my apology, and I'm very grateful that she has so you should know your friend is happy and has forgiven me I think you could do the same" I said as I grabbed Niki's hand. Chrissy looked at Nicki "You have feelings for her?" she asked giving Nicki straight eye contact and Nicki nodded making me blush. "I do and I don't know we're going with this relationship but I like were we are now" Nicki said having a firm grip on my hand, "I agree so.....we don't have to be friends but I would at least like to show respect for one another" I said sticking out my hand making her look at it. A couple seconds later she smiled and shook my hand "Alright Bet".
(Still Beyoncé Pov)-Tonight/8:38
Tonight I decided to take Nicki out for dinner even though I learned everything about her on the Internet I still don't know her physically or mentally. She's just a interesting woman to me just looking at her makes me fall in love more and more. As I waited for Nicki to get dressed I told her to not dress fancy but I still waited patiently I was dressed in a simple white crop top with dark blue ripped jeans black heals and my Chanel bag. I heard heals clicking I turned around and saw Nicki in a nude dress with nude heels and a Louis Vuitton bag, I smiled "You look gorgeous as always" I said hugging her "so do you" she whispered. I really had to keep my composure with Nicki no doubt about it she was a beautiful woman that I adored. The night was young and Nicki and I just hung out we first went out to eat at a Lobster Bar, then we went to a carnival played a few games won prizes even though Nicki was scared we went on the Farris Wheel. I had a great night with her she just gives off a vibe that's unexplainable, as I opened the door to my place she looked around admiring it. "You have a beautiful home what do you do for a living?" she asked looking at my paintings on the wall, "Uh....I'm a dentist" I lied and silently cursed. "Oh you must make a good check" she chuckled and I signed I wanted to tell Nicki what I really do for a living but even though we've known each other for almost 4 months it's some things that I'm not ready for her to know yet. "So um I'll pop the popcorn and you can pick a movie on Netflix" I said walking into my kitchen. "Okay I picked Love and Basketball" she said cheesing ear to ear and I chuckled and we cuddled up on the couch and started watching the movie. I can say I've been through hell in life, Nicki is really the only thing that honestly brings me happiness my mom just recently died so now it's just me and my sister, my father is some where in this world when I was younger I spent most of my life taking care of him and his addictions to drugs and alcohol instead of worrying about me. And well my mom just tried to keep up with bills I know she was a real hard working woman, she worked 3 jobs just to take care of me and my sister also my father. When I turned 16 my father claimed he had to go to work and he left still to this day he just never came back I honestly never had any love for him at all.
Flashback-Beyoncé 7 years old
"Beyoncé bring me that tray over there" my father pointed to silver tray on the counter I grabbed it and set in on the table in front of him he grabbed a little bag of white powder from his pocket and layer on the silver tray. I watched him take a knife and moved the white substance around I then heard the door slam and my mom stood there with a red face. "I can't believe you would do this junk in front of my daughter" she spat and grabbed me and sat me on the stairs. "She's gotta learn about the real world one way or another" I heard him yell "She's 7 years old she doesn't need to know about the disgusting things her trashy father does" it was just yelling and screaming and sounds of slapping and sobbing. I got up from the stairs to see him beating her she looked up at me mwith a bloody nose, I wanted to do something but I was froze all I saw was hurt in her eyes "MOM!" .
"BEYONCÉ" I heard Nicki yell "Yea" I jumped up, "are you okay you kept mumbling and your sweating bullets" she put a cold towel on my head. I nodded "bad dream that's let my take you home" I mumble and got up.
So I've been getting told to update soooooo I decided to update just because I LOVE YOU GUYS
Sorry for mistakes next update coming soon.

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