Chapter 12-Just a Snippet

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Bey Pov

I parted and braided the last piece of hair on the girls head.

As I finished her hair, doing touch ups I felt someone staring at me. I turned to the side to see Kristina's eyes practically glued to me.

Once she noticed I was looking at her she finally broke eye contact with me.

I signed and tapped the girl letting her know she can get up.

"All done" I said starting the clean up my area.

She smiled looking at her hair in the mirror.

"Thank should call me sometime, you know so I can make more hair appointments..." She said with a flirtatious look on her face.

I starred at her as she gave me the money for her hair and a card with her phone number on it.

I grabbed the white piece of paper with her number on it and started ripping it in her face.

"That won't be see if you want me to do your hair again just call the salon and request for me. Okay?". I spoke calmly and she nodded walking away with a slight mug on her face.

I chuckled watching her walk out the shop. I signed and started walking to the back towards the cleaning closet.

We I got there I grabbed the broom so I could clean up the pieces of hair from the floor.

I started sweeping the floor. Just killing time until my next client came.


I sat down trying to catch my breath. I've been working hard pretty much all day. And I was ready for lunch I got up from my seat going to the break room grabbing me purse.

As I came back I noticed Nicki walking in with a Checkers bag. I smiled and hugged her.

"You brought me lunch?" I asked kind of shocked.

"Yeah it's the least I could do since...." She stopped talking and looked over my shoulder to see Kristina cleaning her area.

"...Why is she here?!" She asked kind of raising her voice.

"Oh! Baby I can explain her-"

"No Bey! Just tell me the truth really are you having an affair with her?"

"No Nicki I'm not sleeping with her! She works here...her grandmother owns this shop..." I signed "you really don't trust me?".

"No Bey I'm gonna be honest after the hotel incident I lost all my trust for you"

And with that she walked out the shop. I signed walking to the break room to see if there was any food in the fridge since Nicki left out with my food.

Even though my appetite was gone I still needed to eat. I finally got tired of looking so I sat down staring at the wall.

I couldn't blame Nicki for not trusting me I have done some fucked up shit.

As I was in the middle of thinking Kristina walked in with a bag of food.

"Since you didn't get your". She gave me the brown paper bag and I smiled.

"Thanks...why are you so nice to me?"

"Why not?"

"I mean...I wouldn't be nice or friendly to me if I was you I just...I don't know I need time to just think for a moment".

"You know what I think?"


"I think that you honestly need time to just get away by yourself! I mean Nicki is a good girl but...Bey your stressed! Look at the bags under your eyes, you need a rest from everything"

I have a lot of thinking to do...
To Be Continued

Changing Me -By DaisyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora