Chapter 13-The Getaway

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To lazy to re-read sorry for mistakes/typos😪 Enjoy this chapter tho💓
Advik Pov
This is really weird for me...I haven't seen Bey in like...3 years and now she shows up at my door asking me to go with her out the country. I'm so confused right now and best believe Bey has some explaining to do.

I walked behind Bey as looked in her purse for our passports . We were now sitting, waiting for our flight to be called.

On the plane
I looked at Bey and noticed she had bags under her eyes.

I can definitely say she still does look gorgeous after all these years. You see me and Bey met from the internet she didn't catfish me or anything though.

We met offline then we started going on actual dates and we hit it off. She was actually a jr. in high school we started talking.

I planned on marrying Bey, starting a family with her, but...other things happened. Drama.

"What's going on" I asked getting comfortable in my seat waiting for the flight to take off.


"C' to me"

Nick Pov

"I dont know Chrissy I've been calling her all day and no answer" I said as I sat next to Chrissy in my living room.

"How long has it been?"

"2 whole days! And I haven't heard from her"

"Try calling again"

I picked up my phone once again and dialed Bey's phone number. It rang 3 times and then she picked up making me jump in the inside.

"Hello" she yelled into the phone as I heard loud wind and people in the background.


"I'm out of town..."


"I can't tell you that right now just know I'm safe". And with that she hung up making me throw my phone on the carpeted floor.

"We gotta do something Chrissy!"

"I know Nick just calm down okay...didn't you set a tracking device of Bey's phone because you didn't trust her for a while?!"


Bey Pov
I was laying in bed in my hotel room we had landed and gotten settled into our room. Advik came in the room and smiled at me I just frowned.

"It's beautiful out here isn't it?" He asked standing on the balcony.

I didn't even reply I just sat there staring at the ceiling. We decided on not going to far from Atlanta. We were only in Miami, Florida.

"You look depressed...let me take you out" he insisted. I just shook my head.

"Thanks but no thanks I'd rather be alone" I finally spoke.

"Okay I'll give you time..." He walked out of my suit and went across the hall to his suit.

I just laid there in complete silence until I heard beeping noises coming from my phone. I frowned.

I picked it up and it noticed nothing  was wrong it was a text from Nicki though.

I unlocked my phone and the message read...

You thought you could hide from me bitch! You got another thing coming!

I laughed a bit and laid my phone on the dresser. Even if Nicki found me I wouldn't be upset but I'd be curious on how she did it.

You see I got my thoughts together and Nicki is the person I want to be with but...I can't be with her though.

I feel like it'd be best if we'd separate and I start my new life in Miami.

I started taking off my clothes so I could get in the shower but then I heard knocking at my door I signed already knowing who it is.

I looked through my peephole and there she was holding a bat with Chrissy behind her.


I opened the door to a straight punch in the face. I felt a stinging pain on my cheek and blood dripping from the corner of my lip.

Strike 1.

"What the hell is wrong with you leaving me like that? Are you crazy?!" She yelled hitting me on my half naked body with the metal baseball bat.

Making me fall onto the carpet floor.

Strike 2.

"Let me explain-"

"NO! What is there to explain you left me Bey!" She held up the bat preparing to hit me again.

"I swear to god Nicki if you hit me with that bat again, be prepared for an ass whooping!"

She smirked and hit me straight in the thigh on my right leg.

Strike 3.

I stood up on wobbly legs and punched her right in the jaw making her fall to the floor.

I grabbed the bat from her legs and got ready to hit her with it but....I couldn't. I dropped the bat and grabbed my clothes walking out the suit.

Even though I only punched her I feel guilty for even putting my hands on her.

After putting my clothes on in the hallway Advik came out his room shirtless.

"You okay? What happened?!"He asked.

" You don't wanna know.."


Uh yeah I don't really have nothing to say so yeah! Not really in a good mood today but I had to write for y'all💕😘 Don't know why it took me so long to write this chapter but another on the way fast so be ready‼️

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