A Break

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Bey Pov
"Bey! Bey wake up!" I heard yelling from above me I opened my eyes and saw Kristina standing above me.

"Owwww! My back hurts" I said groaning in pain.

"Well maybe cause you slept in a hotel hallway! Get up now! My boss is on his way up here" she said standing me up.

I nodded and walked to the elevator head back to my room. I felt like crap. I just remember me crying myself to sleep and just laying on the floor.

I reached my room and checked my pockets for the key. Noticing I didn't have it I just knocked on the door. Hearing noise behind the door it finally opened revealing a man I never seen before.

"May I help you?" He asked squinting his eyes at me.

"Yes...can you tell me why you in my hotel room!" I said starting to get frustrated.

He chuckled "this ain't your hotel room this is Nicki's room and I don't think she'll appreciate you showing up to her room like this" he looked at me up and down making me frown.

"Look man....I paid for this goddamn room so if don't mind moving out my way" I said pushing him out of my way walking in the room.

"Nicki" I yelled searching for her. I found her in the bathroom putting on makeup with a tight ass dress on.

"Oh hey...your back" she said looking frightened.

"Where do you think your going" I said looking at her up and down making her let out huge breath.

"I was going out to lunch with a friend...."

"Yea you WAS going to but I kicked ol' boy out so I guess your not anymore. Who was he anyway!?"

"He was just a friend Bey...I didn't question were you went last night or why I saw you going in Kristina's room last night but you sure wanna question me!" She said slamming down her hair brush.

I stood their dumbfounded. She saw me. She saw us.

"Baby...baby look I swear I did not sleep with that girl. Nicki I promise I-I didn't s-sleep with h-her" I was in the verge of breaking down.

"Bey we need a break I still can't trust you" she spoke softly

"Okay...okay if it'll help you trust me and forgive me, believe me a break is what well have I love you so much Nicki swear I do" I hugged her and kissed her forehead.
A week later
I haven't talked to Nicki in a week and I'm starting to think our relationship is at a dead end and there's nothing I can do about it.

I know I was wrong for flirting with Kristen or Kaitlyn whatever her name is. But....I've been trying lord knows I have. I bought us a house and I was basically trying to give her the world.

I still am...I'm not giving up that easy! I pulled up to her boutique and got out the car with a vase full of roses. I closed my door and walked up to the boutique.

I opened she door smelling the fresh air and hearing the door chime. She didn't notice it was me because her head was down and she was texting on her phone.

I took the time to admire her long black hair and how that dark green dress hugged her curves. I smiled and just shook my head.

"I'm sorry welcome to Epitome Boutique how may I help...." She finally put her phone down and looked up at me grinning ear to ear.

"Hey" she said smiling and I returned the smile.

"Hey babygirl. You look gorgeous..." I paused.

"These are for you." I said giving her the roses and she smelled them.

"Thank you"

"Is it your lunch break yet?" I asked still staring at her beautiful face.

"Actually yes it is, I was just about to go to Subway...you wanna come?" I shook my head.

"Nah you coming with me I gotta surprise for you" I said pulling her out she shop.

She giggled as I opened the car door for as I closed it she said Thank you quietly. I walked around the car and got in the ride was full of comfortable silence.

I pulled up to our house as I helped her out she had a confused expression on her face. I just ignored it and walked her inside the house.

"Wow you really decorate it nice in here" she said looking around the house.

I said thanks and lead her to the garage.

"Why are you taking me to the garage?" She questioned giggling.

"Just close your eyes" she did astold and covered her eyes with her hands.

I opened the garage door and turned the lights on reviling a brand new  white Lamborghini. Something Nicki always wanted as her dream car. I told her to open her eyes and she did as told.

"OMG! What is this for?" She asked
Jumping up and down.

"It's for you...I haven't been the best girlfriend and I'm sorry okay just please I'm so sick of this break stuff I just wanna be with you can I?"

She nodded "Yes"
OKAYYY I was thinking of doing a QA for next chapter but y'all gotta give me some more comments first. I hope y'all enjoy this chapter sorry for mistakes

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