Chapter 22

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Chapter 22||Problems

                       •Bey Pov•

"Babe your event was such a success!"  Nicki said from the bedroom.

I stayed silent and continued to wipe my makeup off.

"It's was a lot of people there, you and Stacy are gonna make real good partners with this shop" she rambled on but I still kept quite.

I entered the beautiful bedroom and laid down on the soft bed and got under the covers.

"Babe what's wrong?" She laid next to me getting under the covers with absolutely nothing on I didn't mind though

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"Babe what's wrong?" She laid next to me getting under the covers with absolutely nothing on I didn't mind though.

"I gotta talk to you about something.." I finally spoke.

She nodded sitting there waiting for me to finish.

"Today Kevin came by the event and we talked about the dating mess and Nicki I put you through so much and I just wanna make you happy..."

"I am happy babe, but I don't understand why he needs to talk to you, how did he even find you?".

"Kevin and I know each other".

She sat up and looked at me in confusion, "watchu' mean y'all know each other?".

"We used to mess around a long time ago but Nicki that doesn't matter right now, what matters is our future".

"I don't want you around him Bey" she said with a mug on her face.

"I have a surprise for you...soon. And I just want you to know that I love you, a lot and from now on our future is gonna be amazing. I'm not gonna let anyone fuck it up you understand?".

She nodded and smiled has I played with the ends of her hair and started to doze off.

"I got a job yesterday.." Nicki said making my eyes pop back open.


"This coffee shop around the corner".

"No, I don't want you working right now. You don't need too, didn't you say you wanted to go to cosmetology school?".

"Yeah but I know we don't have the money for it right now.."

"But we will soon, quit that stupid job and I promise you in less than a month you'll be in school. I gotchu' baby".

She smiled again a kissed my lips over and over making me giggle.

I really do love this girl. I'd do anything for her and I can't imagine leaving her or her leaving me.
"Hello welcome to Stacy and Bey's Boutique how may I help you" I said as I heard the bell chime not looking up from the computer.

"You can help me by actually talking to me".

I looked up to the face of Kevin.

"Did I not punch you hard enough?" I said tilting my head

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"Did I not punch you hard enough?" I said tilting my head.

"Bey I'm not here to start trouble, I'm here to just be with you".

"I don't want you Kevin, matter fact I'm not even supposed to be near you so.." I walked around the counter and grabbed him his hoodie.

"You need to leave" I tired pushing him out of the store but of course he was stronger than me.

"Bey just let me take you on one date please!".

"Didn't I tell you NO! I'm happily married with my wife now please leave" I pushed him more and more but he didn't budge.

"Whatchu' mean married where yo ring at?".

"Don't worry about it it'll be there soon, please Kevin leave!".

As soon as those words escaped my mouth Nicki walked in with a smile on her face but as soon as she saw Kevin it turned into a mug.

"What is he doing here?" she asked dropping her purse on my desk

"Oh look wifey showed up" Kevin said smiling.

I eyed Nicki letting her know to wait for me in the back of the store.

She rolled her eyes and walked to the back.

"I guess I'll leave now but I'll be back Bey, just know I'll be back.." He walked out the store.

I sighed and ran to the back were Nicki was.

"Babe I can explain.." I said grabbing her by her waist.

"Well start explaining even though I don't even wanna look at you right now! Bey just last night I told I don't want you around him then I walked in here today and see you guys TOGETHER!" she began to cry.

"Nicki he came here and I kept begging and begging him to leave but he wouldn't, I would've invited him here when you told me to not be around him anymore! Nicki you have to trust me on this one".

She just stood there and stared into my eyes.

She nodded and kissed me. I sighed in relief and hugged her.

"I'm starting to trust you Bey, you just can't break my trust" she mumble into my neck.
Short but yeahhhhh, Happy Sunday😋 I plan on doing a QA for this book and sorry to tell you guys this but this book is almost over and it won't be a second  book....I have a new book coming soon called Dysfunctional (Rihanna book).

But give me QA questions..


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