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4 weeks later
Wedding Day...

Bey Pov
"Okay..we have everything set but I still don't have my dress! Where's my dress?" I complained to Chrissy as she did my makeup.

Today was the wedding and I was super nervous but ready to get it over with.

"I got it Bey trust me!" She smiled and  finished my makeup.

"Aren't you supposed to be with Nicki right now?" I looked in the mirror admiring my makeup.

"Yeah, she's getting her hair done right now I'm heading there though" she said beginning to pack up her makeup.

I didn't want to have a extreme wedding but I did want it to be beautiful.

"Okay, I had my family fly out here from Texas last night so, they're at the hotel right now getting ready" I sighed sitting back in my chair.

She nodded.

"Don't worry Bey..this is gonna be a good day" she smiled wide showing her beautiful teeth.

"Thanks for everything Chrissy" I hugged her and she nodded.

"It started off rough but you made my best friend happy at the end and if she's happy...I'm happy" she smiled walking out of my room.

I smiled, our wedding was gonna be in our backyards since our house was huge.

I looked in the mirror and I was currently in a all white robe, I was starting to panic because I still didn't have my dress.

My thoughts ended when I heard my door open.

"Here you go Bey, now get changed fast your wedding starts less than 30 minutes" Chrissy said giving me my dress in an plastic cover.

"30 minutes!" I yelled begging to panic.

"Relax Bey people are starting to arrive and Nicki just got here so get dressed and....hurry" she ran out of my room tripping a little over her pink robe.

None of us where dress, People were arriving, the pastor wasn't even here yet!

What the hell?!

Nicki Pov

"Sweetie Breath" Chrissy said coaching me just so I could calm down.

"You look so beautiful Onika" she began to cry and I smiled looking in the mirror.

"I'm so scared Chrissy"I whispered.

"About what? You and Bey are gonna be fin-".

"No! I never told my mom that I was marrying a woman, or that I was in love with a woman! What will she think when I walk down that aisle?" I said in frustration.

"Wait a minute you never told your mom about Bey? Then what did you tell her over the phone?" Chrissy frowned.

I thought back a little.

4 weeks ago...
"Mom guess what?! I'm getting married" I yelled speaking over the phone.

"Oh my goodness I can't wait to meet him sweetie! Is he handsome?" She spoke in excitement.

"You never told her that the 'broom' wasn't a man!" Chrissy yelled in anger.

"I know! And I've been so caught up with Bey's bullshit that I never had the chance to give her a call or anything" I sighed.

Changing Me -By DaisyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon