In All Honesty

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Nicki POV
I felt numb this woman who I don't even know...who I was being nice to...she's Don the man with the perfect spirit, outspoken,great personality. IT WAS ALL A LIE!
"You've gotta be kidding me" I whispered feeling the tears build up in my eyes I've been cat fished. "Listen if you just sit down and let me explain...I-I'm sorry" she grabbed my hand but I automatically snatched it away. "You lying bitch! I trusted you with my heart and all you do is break it, I knew shouldn't of signed up for this online dating bullshit, I got played by a hoe" I spat.
Beyonce Pov
I understand she's mad but she doesn't have to disrespect me like that. If I was her yea I would be pissed, but at least give me a chance to explain myself. "Okay look missy I'm not a bitch or a hoe so watch your language and also everything I told you was real just not the pictures" I signed.
"JUST NOT THE PICTURES" she yelled making everyone turn there heads in our direction "Listen I want nothing to do with you...your just a sick human being" she whispered and walked away I thought about chasing her but maybe she just needs some time to cool off. Now I feel terrible.
Nicki Pov
Going 120 miles per hour...flying past everyone on the highway... thousands of things zooming in my brain. Mad wasn't even the word to discribe the way I felt, I wanted answers and I wanted them NOW! I stomped on the gas and made a u - turn back towards the restaurant, even though I didn't want to see her lying face I needed to know...Why?. As soon as I pulled back up to the restaurant I saw her standing outside on her phone I'm guessing she was getting a uber. I wanted to get out my car and talk to her but.... I couldn't I just....couldn't I guess her uber arrived because
I saw her getting in a car. I signed and banged my head against the steering wheel "Why Me".
Once I arrived at home I saw Chrissy laying on the couch sleep, when I purposely slam the door her eyes automatically opened "bitch" she spat closing her eyes and I hit her with a pillow.  "Wake up I need to talk to you" I pouted, "whattttt" she wined I signed and sat next to her. "Well I met Don today" I said and she jumped up "really that's great" she bounced up and down on the couch excited "yea but turns out he's a she" I said make her look at me with a confused facial expression.
"What.." she said "Don is a woman I was cat fised" my voice began to crack, " Oh..Mami" she me into a hug ask I cried in her chest soaking up her shirt. I stayed up all night with Chrissy just talking. Sharing emotions and letting her know how I felt.
Next Morning
Nicki Pov
I was at the shop working and getting orders ready for new clothes. I can easily lie and say I wasn't  still thinking about Beyonce she was so beautiful and her tone was so soft and that made it harder for me to not be mad at her. I heard the door chime and heels clicking on the floor I didn't look up though I didn't feel like being bother with any customer today. " Well hello Miss Onika" I looked up and saw the one and only Beyonce. I groaned already annoyed "why are you hear" I asked "I came to see you and talk" I went to say something but she held up her hand "Just let me speak for a moment. At first it was just a game to me...I really just wanted to get back at my ex, Kevin so I made a online dating account and put his pictures on it. I didn't plan on doing anything with it I just wanted him to get angry..." She paused holding her hand over mouth. "...But then I saw a beautiful woman who messaged me and I thought maybe I should get to know her, and the only reason I talked to you with his pictures was because I-I knew you wouldn't accept me as a woman..." she sniffed and smiled then continued. "After we talked for the first month I knew I had to tell you b-but I was so scared and I was afraid that you would just think of me as this horrible manipulative human being...I-I just Nicki I'm sorry" she was on her knees crying harder than ever on the floor "I couldn't rap my finger around the fact of me loving a woman but then I just had to except it, Nicki I know it's going to take time to forgive me but let me make it up to you please..." she stood up and signed. "Everything I told you was true, the simplest things were true like my favorite favorite food..."she chuckled and I smiled "but I still lied and I admit I was wrong, but I now 1 thing I'm not wrong about and its that I love you Onkia".

Nicki Pov
Words couldn't explain how I felt but I do know I want to forgive her everyone makes mistakes even though she could've turned me down easily she didn't and I'm happy for that. "I forgive you and I'm sorry for calling you a hoe and a bitch" I giggled and she smiled it's okay. "Friends" she stuck out her and I gladly grabbed it "Friends" I smiled.
Beyonce Pov
Right now Nicki and I are at the zoo just enjoying each other's company. I really like this girl but somethings a little off about her and I can't seem to figure it out I can just look in her eyes and see a shade of pain covered with happiness. "I'm really having fun" she said stuffing her mouth with funnel cake making me giggle because of cute she is. "I'm happy your enjoying yourself" I smiled, " if you don't mind me asking what happened between you and Kevin" she asked still digging in her funnel cake.

I dazed out for a second to get my thoughts together and remembering the nights I stayed up crying and all the hurt,struggle, and torture I went through. I would love to tell Nicki everything but the only person who knows is my mom and she is probably the only person who will ever know how everything happened. "Um he cheated" I said easily trying to avoid the conversation. "Oh that sucks...but you don't need him you have me" she pouted then smiled and kissed my cheek something she does often. I just nodded not really interested in talking anymore.
"What do you mean you saw them at the zoo" I yelled "I saw them at the zoo together dummy" he yelled back "Make sure they stay away from each other for now on" "I can't control their actions" he looked at me like I crazy and I laughed. "Well you better figure something out because at the end of the day Nicki will be mine" I smirked evilly.
MANN!!! I hate leaving y'all with short chapters and cliffhangers but you just have to be patient .
What y'all think about Bey and her past?
Do y'all think Nicki made a good choice on forgiving Bey?
Who was the Unknown person?
Just have to wait and see
Love y'all (Sorry for mistakes I didn't feel like re-reading I was to tired)

Changing Me -By DaisyWhere stories live. Discover now