Chapter 11

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Hey Guys don't forget to check out my new book but enjoy this chapter!
"Okay well do understand everything ma'am?" the owner of this hair salon asked me. I nodded and she smiled walking away.

I knew I couldn't work with Nicki especially because of how much we argue. I mean of course couples argue in relationships but I just don't like arguing at all....I mean who does?.

I walked to my station and started cleaning my materials. I planned on taking Nicki out to lunch just to talk to her instead of argue.

I know she was kind of upset about me not working with her but she didn't bring up the topic this morning.

I heard the door chime indicating that someone had entered, but I didn't bother to look up since I was so focused on what I was doing.
I heard a female voice say my name  making me snap my head up finally looking at her.

"Kristina?! What are you doing here?!"

"I work here! What are you doing here?" She said chuckling making me curse under my breath.

"I work here too!"

"Oh! Well welcome to Caroline's Beauty Salon. You know the owner my grandmother".

"Oh..." I said dumbfounded.

What have I gotten myself into.

Later in the afternoon.
I hopped out my car and locked it. I had just arrived at Nicki's boutique to pick her up for lunch.

As I opened the door entering the store, I noticed her helping a customer so I just took a seat on their blood red couch waiting for her.

As she finished up with the customer she finally noticed me and smiled. She held up her finger letting me know she'll be a minute.

She went in the back to grab her purse. I played with my fingers waiting patiently for her to come back.

She finally walked up to me making me stand up hugging and kissing her multiple times making her giggle.

"You ready?" I asked and she nodded.

We walked out the store and headed to my grey BMW. The whole drive to Chick Fa La' she rambled on about how her day was so far.

Don't get me wrong I would love to know how her day was going but most of it was just drama.

"So you wanna go out to dinner tonight?" I asked but I only got ignored.

I sat there and watched Nicki type and click on her phone, I then looked down at her food and noticed she hasn't touched it.

I threw a fry at her making her look up and frown.

"Put your phone down and eat!"

"Your not the boss of me Bey...."

"I'm trying to have a conversation with you but your to busy into your phone!"

"I'm sorry but you could've asked politely!"

I signed grabbed my purse and walked out the restaurant walking to my car, I heard Nicki yelling trying to get my attention but I ignored her.

I got to my car unlocking it and getting in. She got in also still trying to  get my attention but I stayed silent.

I stayed silent...

I still stayed silent...she finally got the hint and just sat back and kept quiet.
I arrived back at the salon sitting in the break room since there was nothing to do. I was laid back on the dark yellow couch.

I turned on the TV and flipped threw the channels trying to find something intresting. I then saw Kristina walk in coming by me and sitting on the couch.

I didn't pay her any mind though I kept my eyes glued to the TV. She touched my leg making me flinch a little.

She giggled "Sorry I was just trying yo make sure you were alive you haven't blinked in like 5 minutes"

I laughed sitting up. "Yeah I just got a lot on my mind..."

"Well you know you can talk to me if you want" she said grabbing my hand interwining our fingers.

I looked down at out hand and shook my head.

"No Thanks" I said taking my hand away from hers and walking out of the break room.
I walked in my house at 2:00 in the morning knowing I was gonna get cursed out by Nicki.

BUT I had and explanation...I was actually out working! I work 2 jobs, in the morning I work at the salon then at night I'm a bartender... I mean I do gotta pay the myself.

I walked up the stairs trying to keep quite. I tiptoed into my room to see her sleeping stretched out on the bed.

I slowly stripped from my clothes trying not to make a sound, but it wasn't any use she still woke up.

She just laid there staring at me for a moment then she finally spoke.

"Where were you?" She said calmly

"I was working..."

"Bey don't fucking lie to me!" She yelled

"Nicki I'm not lying I was working and don't raise you voice at me I'm not your child".

"If you would just tell me the truth I wouldn't be yelling" she said sitting up in the bed.

"I am telling you truth Nicki...I really don't feel like arguing right now".

"Do you really think I wanna argue with you Bey?!".

"It really seems like it since your always starting arguments...I work 2 jobs not one but 2! And I pay ALL the bills in this bitch! You have your own boutique and you get paid a lot of money Nicki why don't help me around the house?"

"Because you told me I didn't need to lay bills! What do you want me to do?"

"You don't have to pay bills but....cook, buy groceries do something! Don't just sit on your ass all day!".

She was silent.

"Look I'm gonna go sleep in the guest room...text me if you need me." I said walking out and walking down the hall to the guest room.

3:56 am

I heard my phone buzz multiple times. I groaned and noticed they were text from Nicki.

My Queen💍
I'm sorry

My Queen💍
I'm sorry babe please come back to bed...with me! I have been so selfish and I promise I can make it up do you just come back to bed.

I signed grabbing my phone and started walking towards my room. I opened the door to see her cuddled up with the blankets.

I climbed in bed snuggling next her. I grabbed her waist pulling her closer trying to cuddle.

"You smell like liquor.."she said making me chuckled I eventually felt my eyes get heavy again then I drifted off to a deep sleep...
I hope y'all enjoyed this short and boring update.

Changing Me -By DaisyWhere stories live. Discover now