Lies and Promises

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(Gabby in the Media)
Beyonce Pov
I pulled up to my job. I didn't feel like working tonight I'm so tired off doing this every other day but I need the money....I tell myself every day I'm not going to do this forever and I know I'm not. I got out my car with my duffel bag and entered the club, I was gretted by a few girls I worked with I walked straight to the back towards the locker rooms greeted by my bestfriend Lo.

"Hey boo" she said kissing my cheek and returned to getting dressed "Hey" I said dryly she looked at me and signed. "Okay Bey what's wrong you come in here every other night with the same frown on your face I mean look around no one wants to be here but were here cause we gotta get what we stop having that same lame ass frown on your face suck it up and let's go get this money' she flashed a grin and continued getting ready.
Nicki POV
"Come on Nicki please do it for me" Chrissy begged tugging on my arm. She was begging me to go to the strip club with her just to get away from Gabby, I wasn't really feeling it though. "Okay fine I'll go" I said finally giving in "Yayyy go get dressed" she demanded. I walked upstairs and decided on taking a shower just to be fresh, I haven't talked to Bey in a while.

After that night she was whimpering and whispering in her sleep and was sweating really bad I've been worried about her. I just haven't had the chance to talk to her about it. I got out the shower and decided on wearing a simple crop top and high waisted shorts.

After I did my hair and added a little makeup I walked downstairs to see Chrissy typing on her phone and sitting in top of the counter. I cleared my throat and she looked up "oh finally your ready" she said smiling and walking towards the door.
As Nicki and Chrissy walked inside the club they looked around and decided to walk to the bar.

Nicki sat at the bar and watch Chrissy dance, this wasn't her type of crowd so she just watched everyone have a good time. "Alright everyone give it up for the one and only Yonce" the DJ said through the speakers causing Nicki to choke on her drink.
Nicki watched the girl twirl and twerk on the pole she was praying to god this wasn't the Yonce she knew. The lady had her back faced towards Nicki, she had the same skin tone, and hair color, all like Yonce. When the lady turned around and faced Nicki she froze.
Nicki POV
I know this isn't can't be...the woman who I know and practically love is a stripper. Showing her body to men and women when it should be for my eyes only. I didn't expect this at all, Bey is way to classy to be a-a stripper.

I starred at her glossy eyes and I stood from the bar and walked out if the club with Chrissy behind me. "Nicki what's wrong" she said with so much sympathy in her voice and eyes. "Beyonce's in there on stage dancing...she's a stripper" my voice cracked with each word. Chrissy just hugged my told me to get in the car.

"Don't get me wrong Chrissy I have nothing against strippers at all, it's just when I asked Bey what she does for living she said she was a dentist. She just flat out lied to me and Bey is to good of a woman to go off a to be a-a stripper" I cried and blowed my nose in the tissue. "I understand baby its gonna be okay just confront her about it" Chrissy suggested rubbing my back. I didn't have anything else to say I just wanted to go home and lay in my bed.
Beyonce POV
She knows now... I know it's killing her right now. I rushed back to my locker room getting changed. I hate lying to Nicki and I plan on not doing it any more. As I got dressed in a quick manner a million questions and thoughts where in my head breaking me down piece by piece.

I rushed pass the crowd slightly hearing my boss yelling my name over the loud music but I ignored him. I just want to get to Nicki, 'for now on no more lying just tell the truth!' I had to put those words in my head permanently.
I banged on her door probably waking the neighbors. I heard the locks click making me sweat even more. The door opened reveling a pissed Chrissy, "Oh look who wants to show up" she said smirking and I rolled my eyes. "Look Chrissy I don't need a damn motivational speech from you I'm just here to see Nicki so excuse me" I spat walking pass her and marching up the stairs.

The closer I got the more I could hear her whimpers and crying. I walked around the corner into the long hallway and walked right into her room to see her balled up in the covers. I closed the door and she looked up with red puffy eyes she still looked gorgeous though. "Bey I honestly don't wanna see your lying face" she mumbled fixing her pillow. "I know and I can completely understand why...listen Onika I didn't mean to lie to you I just didn't want to tell you I was a stripper at the time I-". "NO! Don't you date sit here and expect me to show you sympathy again because I won't do it" she cut me of semi-yelling pointing her finger at me.

I was so shooken up by the way she was talking to me. "Nicki please I know I lied and I know I was wrong and  it's alot of things that I want to be honest and just tell you about but your gonna have to help and just be there for me" I said playing with my fingers.

She sat up on the bed and looked at me with her bloodshot red eyes "I'm here Bey just be honest and talk to me" she pulled me over to the bed so I could sit down. "Okay well I became a stripper at the age of 19 I had just got put out my house and I was homeless so I didn't know what to do my father was addicted to drugs and liquor and my mom was focused on taking care of her other kids so....I was pretty much alone" I paused and stared at nothing in particular. "So when I started I was able to buy another apartment, continue school and just not be worried. But now my my just died about a month ago and it's pretty tough, look Nicki I like were we are and I'm willing to be honest and more open with you for now on" I stared into her eyes as she nodded and hugged me. Maybe this is a new begin with Nicki it felt great opening up and being honest with her.
Chrissy POV-1 month later
"Gabby talk to me and stop running away" I said grabbing her arm keeping her from walking away. "No Chrissy just leave me alone, I don't even wanna see you right now" she said snatching her arm from me and leaving the restaurant. I looked down at my cold untouched food and signed I barely have an appetite.

I can say in all honesty I never loved Gabby so I don't know how to feel. Lately I've thinking and the feelings for my ex Veronica have been returning. Ever since she left to go to college I've been stuck here with Gabby. I grabbed my purse and walked out of the shop spotting Gabby getting in the car with a man I never seen before. I chuckled to myself and continued my walk to my car. As I walked the downtown streets I spotted Bey with this gorgeous light skinned girl, as I gotten closer I saw tgem walk inside Nicki's boutique I jogged to the door.

As I opened the I smiled when I saw Nicki and Bey huggingi love seeing my best friend happy. "Hey Guys" I said greeting them and they all waved and said hello. "What you doing here aren't you supposed to be at lunch with Gabby" Nicki questioned and I shrugged.  "We broke up" I said clearing my throat. "Oh mami I'm sorry" Nicki said pulling me into a tight hug , I eyed the light skin girl whispering in Bey's ear. I let go of Onika and walked around her sitting on the couch, " Oh Chrissy this is Candice my cousin and Candice this is Chrissy" Bey said introducing me and her cousin I guess. I got up and shook her hand and smiled "Chrissy....that's a beautiful name" she said smiling with a firm grip on my hand. "It's not as beautiful as you" I said flirting with her making her blush. Maybe this is a new beginning.
Nicki Pov
Bey and I are doing great actually.
I think we're good at the place we are now, she's honest now and opens up to me about everything I her. We are currently cuddling up in my bed watching movies. "Hey Nicki can I ask you something?" She questioned rubbing my thigh and I nodded, "will you be my girlfriend" she looked directly in my eyes. "Of course" I exclaimed.
Okay since it's Halloween I decided I'd update for you all. Sorry for any typos or errors but enjoy this update💋

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