My Dreams Turning Into Nightmares

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Nicki Pov
"So babe what do you think" Bey asked me holding my hands as we stood in the middle of the living room of this gorgeous house.

Bey wanted to go house hunting for us since we're together but I just feel like we're rushing things I don't wanna pressure her.

"It's beautiful but don't you think it's a little to soon like we just started dating and I don't want you thinking that since we're dating that you have to move in with me" I said pouting a little.

She laughed and nodded "I'm not moving in with you because we're dating Nicki I feel like I put you through hell already and I want to make it up to you" she guided me toward the couch and I signed.

"You don't own me anything..."I trailed off. She signed and grabbed my hands again.

"Look Nicki I want to just make you happy and treat you like the queen you are now, I've been nothing but a big migraine for you and that's not what I want to be. I want to make you happy, just let me make you smile please". She kissed my hand.

"We have a lot of things to work out in this relationship" I said twisting my lips to the side.

"The last thing I wanna do is force you" she told me kissing my hand again.

I smiled and nodded "if I agree with you on taking care of me you have to promise me something".

"Anything" she said smiling.

"You have to stop stripping"
Nicki Pov - 1 week later
"Bey look I'm sick of you ignoring me please baby call back I'm begging you" I hung up the phone and signed.

It's been a week since we left that new house and every since then she's been gone I've left her over 10 voicemails and 30 messages.


"You have to stop stripping" I said letting out a breath of relief I've been holding in forever.

She stared at me and smirked "So what your saying is that I have to drop my job in order to make you happy" she asked with black eyes.

I nodded but then regretted it. She chuckled and stood up "Your pathetic" she said walking out of the house leaving me there alone.

Flashback over

Every since then I haven't heard from her. I didn't mean to sound harsh but it's true she needs to stop stripping or she can't have me.

I sat on the couch fiddling with my fingers I looked at the time and it read 1:36 am . I signed then I jumped from hearing the garage door open. I stood up and got ready for Bey to walk in the door.

As soon and she walked in I didn't say anything. I just stood there watching her every move. She dropped her keys of the table and kicked her shoes off at the front door.

She had on a black leather jacket, skinny jeans, a white shirt with her hair nicely flat ironed. I finally grew balls to say something "where were you?" I blurted. She ignored me and walked up the stairs making me trail behind her.

"BEYONCE WHERE WERE YOU!" I screamed started to get annoyed. I can't believe she has the nerve to walk in here like everything is fine when it's not.

" Look Nicki it's almost 2 o'clock in the morning can we please discuss this at another time?" she asked calmly with tiredness in her voice, as she threw her jacket in the closet I rubbed my fingers threw my hair.

"No now tell me where you were" I said more soft. She signed and rubbed her hands against her jeans and spoke "Look your not my mom your my girlfriend okay so know your place in this relationship..." she paused and stared into my eyes.

"I know you were worried about me but I'm okay I'm fine I'm alive. I was working and was staying with my friend. When you asked, well told me I had to stop stripping to have you I felt like you were being self-fish..." she paused again chuckling.

"Because to me it doesn't matter what I do for a living. As a girlfriend in a committed relationship your supposed to stand by me no matter what-"

"Bey I know but I feel uncomfortable knowing my girlfriend is showing her body to other people" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Dang you act like I'm a prostitute I'm not stripping for the rest of my life! I'm just doing this until I can have enough money to build my own career, my own work place, okay Nicki please just stand by me okay I promise I got you" she held my hands giving me direct eye contact.

I nodded and smiled "Okay"
Sorry for the long wait you guys😞.
I've been busy with school like always 🙄. This is just a filler okay so get ready for more updates! If your a fan of Chris Brown books as you know I have one called Something New and it's on hold for now because it's not getting as many votes and comments as this book Sooo... I'll catch y'all in a couple of days 😘😘😘
~Dazie ❣❣

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