Chapter 12-Continued

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I just wanna say that Queen Bey SLAYED!😍 Anyway...lets get into this chapter shall we😅.
Bey Pov
I pulled up in my drive through and parked my car. I took my key out the ignition and just sat there staring at my house.

I knew Nicki was here cause her car was right next to mine.

As crazy as it sounds I'm thinking on taking Kristen's idea into consideration...

I've been nothing but stressed this pass month.

I feel like I just need time for me...myself! I signed and started my car up I just started driving....and driving around until I stopped at his house.

I got out walking up the many stairs he had. As I reached his door out of breath I rang his doorbell. 2 minutes later he answered the door basically half naked.

"What are you doing here?" he asked in his Indian accent that still gave me chills down my spine.

"I-I came to see you...I wanted to talk" I said, and me being nervous was an understatement.

He signed and opened the door wider for me to come in.

"I'll be back...I'm gonna put on some clothes"

As he walked up the stairs I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

I can't believe I actually came over here....I started to panic so I headed for the door.

"Leaving so soon?" he asked coming down the stairs still shirtless with pajama pants on.

"Uh no! I thought I needed fresh air but never mind"

"What did you want to talk about?"

I followed him in the humungous kitchen, as I sat at the table and watched him pour us some tea.

"I need help...honestly" I spoke lowly.

He sat the two cups filled with tea down and sat across from me.


"Myself...look. I've been seeing this girl and-"

"What's her name? How'd you meet?"

"Nicki and off the internet. Look I've hurt her multiple times and I can admit that but it really wasn't intentionally I swear".

"Bey cut to the case what do you want?!" He asked raising his voice a bit.

"Advik! I'm going out the country for a little while and I want you to come with me!"

It was a long moment of silence that filled the mansion.

"So you just want me to basically just run away with you and act like everything is okay?".

I nodded.

He laughed "get the fuck outta here Bey".

"Adivk you don't understand I need you right now your just like a peace maker to me and I need you and your advice!"

"Bey how am I supposed to help you with your problems with another person when you still have problems with me?"

"We can solve this together okay".

" No you got yourself in whatever mess your in now get yourself out of it"

I was now breaking down in tears.
On the floor begging looking like a damn fool!

"Advik please!"

"What's in for me uh?!"

I stood up from the ground wiping my tears.


"Look around Bey does it look like I need money" he chuckled.

"...Me! You get to be with me and we can talk and resolve out that fine?"

"I'll go pack my bags".
Ooooo y'all what Bey and Advik up too?! Don't worry y'all gon now more about Bey and Advik's past.
But yeah Bey and Advik in the media and if y'all can't pronouns his name its Ad-Vick its a Indian name😭☺️.
Sorry for lazy to reread

Changing Me -By DaisyWhere stories live. Discover now