Drunk Sex

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I hope y'all had a great Christmas and New Years! Just a little update for y'all💕.
Nicki POV
I walked in the house slipping off my shoes and throwing my keys on the table. To say I was tired was an understatement, I was now working 12 hour shifts at the shop. Even though Bey told me I didn't need to I do anyway just to have extra money in my pockets.

I walked upstairs and into our ginormous bedroom. I admired how beautiful downtown Atlanta looked from our glass windows that covers the ride side of our room.

I signed and started to take off my clothes.
"Baabbbbyyy" Bey said sounding drunk as ever as she came in the house. I rolled my eyes as I heard her heels click against our marble floors.

"Hey babe" I said as she walked in our bedroom smelling like straight pussy and weed. I gagged and dodged her as she tried to kiss me.

"Ew! Bey before you even think about kissing or touching me you need to take a shower you've been around liquor and nasty women.....just go take a shower please!" I exclaimed covering my nose with my hand.

She chucked then nodded and went into the bathroom when I heard the shower water running I signed in relief.

I figured I should start on dinner since she's in the shower so I headed to the kitchen.

I was in the middle of washing my hair and scrubbing down my body when I thought about something.

Nicki and I haven't had sex....I've been with this woman for almost and year and we haven't had sex...I turned the water off and just leaned my body on the glass door and stared at the shower head.

Usually I would get sex from one of my hoes at the club but since I've been dealing with Nicki I haven't even consider fucking with another girl.

I chuckled and stepped out the shower grabbing my towel and dried off.

I walked into my room and sat on the bed and started putting on lotion. When I was finished I decided to just not put on any clothes so I threw on my robe.

I walked in my bathroom and put my hair in a messy bun, I made a note In my head to re-dye my hair back brown since the color was fading. I walked downstairs to the kitchen smelling spaghetti and garlic bread. I walked into the kitchen to see Nicki bent over looking in the oven with some itty bitty shorts on. I smirked and slapped her butt making her stand up all the way and gasp.
"Stop" she said whining and I laughed.
Nicki POV
Bey wrapped her arms around my waist as I stirred the pot of spaghetti. She started kissing my neck making me giggle.
"I missed you today" she whispered into my neck making me smelled the Patron on her breath.
"You've been drinking?" I frowned
"Just a little bit" she said kissing my neck again giggling afterwords.
I smiled at her cuteness.
"C'mon babe dinner is ready" I said grabbing two plates for us.
"My dinner is right...." She paused and looked at me gripping my butt.
"...here" she finished laughing. I just shook my head and signed.
"No babe you need to eat" I said trying to convince her but she still shook her head and went inside one of the cabinets grabbing a bottle of Hennessy.
"Bey what are you doing?" I asked calmly. She smirked and grabbed a glass pouring some of the liquor in the glass and put  the glass up to my lips.
"Just drink some baby..." I obeyed her and took sips of the Hennessy feeling the substance burn my throat excited me.
I watched her drink out the bottle then she handed it to me watching me to the same thing. After I chugged down most of the liquor I slammed he bottle down on the counter top surprisingly it didn't break.

She looked at me biting her bottom lip with straight lust in her eyes. I smiled and kissed her lips feeling her sliding her tongue in my mouth making me moan. Eventually the kiss lead to something else she slid down my shorts and I took of her robe revealing she was already naked.

She lifted me up on the counter and took of my thong with her teeth revealing my sex. She look down at it and smiled.
"It's beautiful" she complimented making me smile.
She kissed my kitty making me shiver and then she licked it a few times just to tease me. Then she finally dived in making me arch my back. She licked and slurped all over giving me no mercy what so ever.
"BEY!" I moaned/screamed feeling myself release as she came up and kiss me.
I giggled and signed...I felt her then lift me up and start to go up the stairs to our bedroom.
"Don't sleep on me now baby girl I'm now done with you yet" she whispered in my ear making me shiver.
I woke up to an empty bed, the worst pain in my legs, a pounding headache, AND a sour throat. I felt great but also terrible. I heard the bathroom door open and came out a naked Bey with her hand over her stomach.
"Awww baby you okay" I said pouting.
" Yeah I just....drank to much liquor last night" she frowned.
"Oh..well last night was amazing!"I said rubbing her chest as she laughed.
"Yeah it was I really enjoyed it....I enjoyed you" she said looking into my eyes.
"Yeah well now we just have to have sex when where sober.." I said chuckling and she nodded.
"...But um there's something I wanna talk to you about" I said to as she gave me her undivided attention.
"What's up?"
"Well now that we had sex and everything in our relationship is going perfect there's still something that's bothering me..."
She signed and scratched her head "I know Nicki..."
" I'm sorry Bey but you know how I feel about you stripping! It makes me wanna pull my hair out knowing that my girlfriend is out showing her body that's only meant for my eyes!"
"Okay.....tonight will be my last night stripping but I don't have another job I can go to..."
A smiled formed on my lips "are you serious?!".
"Yes Nicki I'm serious....but we're am I gonna work?"
"Baby you can work with me! Helping me with customers at my boutique!" I suggested and she nodded.
"Okay only if you come through and show me love tonight at the club" I nodded in excitment.
"Of course".
Chrissy and I strolled into the club hearing the blasting music and sweaty bodies everywhere. We found a couch right in front of the pole Bey would be dancing on. Since it was her last night every one knew and came to see her last performance.
"So how've you been girl" I ask Chrissy
"I'm fine I guess you know living the single life" she smiled and I nodded.
"ALRIGHT EVER ONE GIVE IT UP FOR BEYONCÉ!! ITS HER LAST NIGHT HERE WITH US AT THE CLUB SO LETS TURN UP FOR HER!" the DJ said practically yelling into the micro-phone. I clapped my hands waiting for her to come on stage.

All We Do by Trey Songz blasted through the speakers and she walked on stage. Just watching her twirl and twerk on the pole had me in a gaze.
"Okay everybody it's time for the lapdance...who wants to come up on stage with me?" She spoke into mic in a sexy voice making me frown. She looked around the crowd spotted me in the crowd and grabbed my hand pulling me on stage making everyone whistle.
"What are you doing" I said in shock as she sat me down in the chair.
She mouthed 'Relax' to me. Back to Sleep by Chris Brown came on making me grow nervous  as she sat on my lap and started to grind and twerk on me. I held her waist and tilt my head back a little. She turned around and faced me bringing my head towards her giving her straight eye contact. She grinned her crotch onto mine making me groan. She smirked and bounced on me kissing my neck at the same time. Once the song ended she grabbed my hand and stood up. Then she waved at the crowd saying her goodbyes. Man.....I'm just hot and horny.
Hey guys😊👋🏾. I've just been thinking about this book and...what do you guys think Bey and Niki should do next? I got requested a Sex scene so....yeah! I'm new at this so please bare with me I'm not that good with sex scenes😂.
More updates to come....LOVE YALL❤️

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