Chapter 18

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Chapter 18||Lust&Kill
                                                            Nicki Pov
"Gabby what the hell are you doing here?" I asked curiously and yet frustrated.

"You don't look so happy to see me...what's wrong wifey not treating you right?" She asked smirking referring to Bey who had a frown on her face.

After Chrissy and Gabby broke up the last thing I expected was for her to just pop up outta the blue. She stood there looking like a clown with her bright pink hair just staring at Bey. Why?

"I actually came to see you Bey.." Gabby spoke with a flirtatious tone and face.

Bey smiled a little bit and finally spoke. "Whatchu' need to see me fa'? Ion even know you baby girl".

"I just wanted to wise that all, is that okay with you Miss.Yonce?" She bent over in Bey's face basically putting her boobs all in her face...Ew.

Bey chuckled and just nodded her looking in another direction.

"Okay, well here's my number make sure you call me..." She slid Bey a blue piece of paper and walked out of the restaurant.

As soon as she left I grabbed the small piece of paper and ripped it into small pieces all over the table...I then threw it in Bey's face.

I was just frustrated with everything already and Gabby didn't help my nerves at all.

"What is wrong with you!? You always have an attitude, it's like I can't do anything right!" she spoke with a calm tone even though her words were harsh.

"I'm just so over it, OVER YOU! Your so disrespectful and you wonder why I don't trust you? Because you do stupid stuff like that!" I yelled causing a lot of attention from people in this restaurant.

"If you so over me....leave me the hell alone" she said softly sliding out of the booth walking out.

I was gonna go after her because she was my ride, I'll just call and Uber I guess.

   Stacy Pov
I looked at my appearance in the mirror again fixing me hair. I had dyed it blonde with blue tips at first it was kind of awkward for me since I'm so used to black, but I'm starting to like it.

I was going to this pool party so you know I had to look good! I adjusted my top a little bit then I heard to front door close, of course it was Bey...

I walked down the stairs to see her looking in the fridge, I tried to sneak past her so I didn't have to hear her b.s about her and Nicki, but it was to late before she turned around and eyeballed my attire.

"And where in the hell do you think your going

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"And where in the hell do you think your going..?" She asked in confusion and yet an attitude in her voice.

"To a pool party.." I mumbled grabbing my nude Givenchy bag.

"With that on?!" She raised her voice a bit making me chuckle.

"Bey I'm grown I do what I want when I want so...hop off!" I smirked and walked out the condo.

I walked outside to my all white Chevrolet Corvette I smiled this car was really my baby.

I hopped in my car and started it and  drove off letting my thoughts flow

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I hopped in my car and started it and  drove off letting my thoughts flow. I've really came a long way, the only reason I moved in with Bey here in Miami was to save money.

I came from Chicago...I had my own boutique down there but I fell off money wise. So I moved to Miami to save and own not 1 boutiques but multiple. My job now? I host parties for instance the pool party I'm going to now...I'm hosting it.

My life is pretty simple...I make good money...scratch that REAL GOOD money! Do you see my car? Im just saving to buy my stores and make even more money. Believe it or not I grew up poor, my mom was addicted to drugs and my dad....lord knows where he is.

I started selling drugs ...when I was, 10-11 years old? It was so long ago I don't remember I sold marijuana only just to have money to survive! My mom didn't give a fuck about me...still doesn't.

I've always have a passion for fashion since I was younger, that's all I'm focused on right now me...and my coin!

Short chapter...How y'all been its been a minute, these exams kicking my butt bro😣
Another update coming up tonigh....tomorrow...I promise😚

How y'all feel about Stacy? Since you get to learn a little bit about her?

What y'all think about Gabby?


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