Chapter 21

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I  am soooo super duper sorry I didn't update Friday I was so busy and it completely slipped my mind. 😩

Okay some of you were confused on Chapter 21, I accidentally published it without it being finished so I unpublished it.
I'm sorry for confusing you all😩
Our beautiful women outfits for the grand-opening of Bey and Stacy's boutique😍
Y'all know the drill comment.
Stacy Pov•

"Bey do you hang up all the black dresses?" I asked as I looked through multiple boxes we had in the back of the store.

"Yeah" she said walking in making me nod.

Our event started unless than an hour and I was super nervous. I looked in the mirror fixing my dress a little more.

I wore this all black dress that I made myself, I had Bey give me two long braids to the back.

They were different for me but cute.

"You look gorgeous Stacy, don't worry tonight's gonna be a success" Bey said hugging me making me smile.

"Thanks Bey, you've been a big support around here I really appreciate it.."

She smiled and nodded walking off to the front to unlock to door for people to come in.

Chrissy and Nicki were the first two that entered.

"Babe you look so beautiful" Nicki said to be as she hugged and kissed her. I stood behind the desk going through paper work not really paying attention to anything, I was just focused on what I was doing.

I continued filling out paper work until I noticed someone tap onto of my all black desk.

I looked up and it was Nicki.

I smiled "Can I help you with anything?" I said politely.

"Yeah I was wondering where'd you get your dress from?" She asked with a calm look on her face.

"Oh, I made it".

"Really?" She looked kind of shocked making me chuckle.

"Yeah...why you want me to make you one?".

"Actually yeah I think you can make one in white?"

"We have them in all colors on that rack over there, you can just pick one on me.."

"For real?!"

"Yeah" I laughed.

"Thanks girl" she said while her and Chrissy walked over to the area full of dresses.

I shrugged and continued on what I was doing.

                   •Bey Pov•
Now the boutique was packed full of people and it was tons of money being made.

Stacy walked around helping women and men with what they wanna buy and sizes for them, and I stood right behind the desk working the cash register.

Changing Me -By DaisyWhere stories live. Discover now