Chapter 23

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Chapter 23||Choices

                    •Nicki Pov•
I opened the car door and headed inside this model agency building. I opened the glass door and the smell of coffee hit my nose.

I walked over to the elevator and walked inside of it. I reached the floor I walked up and down these long hallways looking for him.

I finally found a dark wooden door with his name on it in gold print.

I didn't bother to knock I just walked right in careless as usual.

I walked in his office and he sat at his desk typing away on his computer.

"Nicki it's great to see you today! Wifey let you out the house this morning?" He said chuckling.

"Look Kevin I'm gonna tell you once and once only stay away from me and my girlfriend. She doesn't want you and neither do I so please-"

"Listen Nicki!".He cut me off, only pissing me off more than I already was.

"I'm not here to get at Bey! I'm here because me and Bey have personal issues from our past that doesn't concern you at all!..." He paused.

"I talked to Bey like...7 minutes ago and we came to an agreement. So you don't have worry about me and her anymore, now can you please leave my office?" he threw a stack of papers on his desk.

I nodded slowly and walked towards the door.

"Kevin I don't wanna know about you and Bey's past because at the end of the day it's the past and I'm focused on the future. But I promise if you come near Bey again I will set yo light ass on fire you hea'?" I pointed my finger at him and smirked as I walked out the office.

Mine💍🔐: Meet me at the house...please.

I looked at the text Bey just sent me in confusion. I was so lost right now, I didn't know how to feel right now.

Part of me wanted to know about there past then another part of me didn't want to know.

Me: Why?

I looked up and noticed my uber arrived so I hopped in the car and gave the driver my address.

Mine💍🔐: Because, I want you too! I miss you😩❤️

I rolled my eyes and smiled a little, I truly am blessed for Bey even though I put her through hell and back I still love her.

Me: I'm pulling up right now

As we pulled up in my driveway I thanked the uber guy and got out the truck.

I walked inside my house and spotted her in the living room.

I walked in sitting on the couch and she looked at me frowning.

"What's wrong with you?" she asked turning the tv off and giving me her full attention.

"I trust you Bey, I really do but it's the people around you I don't trust. I just want it to be us two! Alone and happy but it seems like everybody else wants the opposite" I said begging to cry.

"You can't pay those other people any attention just focus on me and you and I promise you'll be happy sooner than you think" she wiped my tears and kissed my forehead walking out the house.
Bey Pov

I sat at Starbucks alone drinking my coffee as I worked on designs on my computer, I sat in a booth my eyes fixed on the computer screen.

Changing Me -By DaisyWhere stories live. Discover now