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Hey y'all💟 I hope y'all are having a good day!

And be happy cause we should all just be happy and be healthy like Cheerios😅

I'm jp 😂y'all enjoy this chapter tho Stacy mm😍

Oh and did I mention Empire come back on today😋🤑

Bey Pov
"Hey boo. I bought curtains for these big windows I didn't know what color to get so I just bought white ones" Stacy said walking into the condo.

"That's fine" I said taking the curtains from her. Life has been pretty good lately, I got my new condo decorated and set up.

I would've been able to do it without Stacy though, she's really been a big help.

And no we're not together she's just my roommate but would I be upset if we became something more than roommates....hell no!

Stacy is fine as hell and she has her life together physically and mentally.

I snuck behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist she smiled and turned around facing me.

"I was thinking maybe we should go out tonight?" I asked her while playing with the hem of her shorts.

"Sure why not? I'll go get ready" she hurried of to her room to get dressed and I figured I should get ready also.
I waited in the kitchen for Stacy to come out the bathroom. I was wearing a simple black crop top with ripped blue jeans and my hair straightened.

I then heard her footsteps and man was flawless and understatement. She had her hair curled and tight black jeans that hugged her thighs, with a dark green top that had little rips in it exposing her breast.

I just stood there looking stupid once again just staring at her. She smiled and waved her hand in front of my face multiple times.

"You ready to go" she asked smiling.

I nodded and grabbed my purse.

We decided on not going clubbing so we just went out for dinner.

We sat down in our booth and looked over the menu.

"I've never been here before" Stacy said looking over the menu.

I laughed and just kept staring at her. She's just so adorable I can't keep my eyes off of her.

"Hello I'm Kelly and I'll be your server today would you like to start with drinks" this short, older white lady said.

"We'll just have a bottle of champagne for now" I said and she nodded walking away.

"So miss Stacy tell about yourself"

"What do you wanna know" she spoke never looking up from the menu.

"How have your past relationships went?".

She laughed and put the menu down looked into my eyes and smirked making me nervous.

"Well I've only been with men....3 men and they all cheated,lied, and played me" she shrugged.


Changing Me -By DaisyWhere stories live. Discover now