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Happy Sunday💗
Nicki Pov
"You ready" Bey asked me as our Therapist came out her office waiting for us.

I nodded and we stood up hand in hand. We walked inside the beautiful office and sat down on the all white
leather couch.

"So tell me what brings you here today?" Our therapist asked, she was a middle aged white woman with bright blue eyes and blonde hair.

"Well uh...we're having relationship problems" I said gripping Bey's hand tighter.

" explain please".

"Well there's trust issues...and more".

"Okay well we can start with the trust issues I guess, what made you too start having trust issues?".


"Let's get something straight I never cheated on you and the only time I lied to you was when I first meet you and it was about my personal life!". Bey spat.

"Okay, okay! How did you guys meet?"

"The Internet" I said.

" did that go?"

"Okay the first off she lied to me multiple times! Let's not forget you cat fished me, then you lied to me about your job, THEN you lied to me about that Kristen girl we meet at that hotel! Your just a LIER".

Bey Pov

"Why do you lie so much Bey?"

"I don't do it intentionally"

"Is Nicki the only person you cat fished?"


"Did you meet other people online?"

"Yeah I only meet two people online and the first person was a long time ago"

"Did you also cat fish that other person?"

"No" I answered.

"Bullshit!" Nicki spat standing up.

"Calm down Nicki...Why did you cat fish Nicki?"

"Because I felt that if she knew who I really was she wouldn't talk to me" I answered simply and it was the truth everything I just told this woman was the truth. I have no reason to lie.

"If your in love with Nicki why do you lie to her all the time?"

"I don't, I only lied to her 3 times in the past. And I was unfaithful to Nicki once but I didn't sleep with the woman but Nicki was never unfaithful to me! I feel like since she doesn't trust me at all...this relationship will never go anywhere". I said and leaned my on the couch getting comfortable.

I was done being a lier believe that! All I could do at this point was be honest to her if she wanted this thing to work out.

"Bey how do you feel about Nicki do you thing you would ever...cheat on her, or hurt her in any way shape or form?"

"She already has" she mumbled rolling her eyes.

"No, the times I hurt Nicki was once again not intentionally. I came out here to Miami to have time to myself, and get my thoughts together. And this woman right here..." I pointed a Nicki.

Changing Me -By DaisyWhere stories live. Discover now