Chapter 10

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Nicki POV
Chrissy and I walked through Lenox Mall just hanging out since we haven't seen each other in a while.

"So how's you and Bey?" she asked smirking.

I chuckled a little and shrugged.
"Were good...I mean we had sex about 3 days ago"

She stopped walking and gasped.
"OH MY GOD! Your serious?!"

I nodded. " Yeah and Chrissy it was so amazzzinng! I would go into detail but ...where in public" I giggled.

She laughed and smiled extra big.
"I'm just so happy for you! It all started off as texting random 'guy' named 'Don' to you falling in love with a woman that actually treats you right" she rambled on.

I signed and stared at her as she talked. I know what happened between Gabby and Chrissy and as much as Chrissy tries to hide the fact that she's not hurt breaks my heart.

We walked out of Lenox and headed to my car. As we got in my car I checked my phone noticing I had 8 missed calls and 10 text messages all from Bey.

My Love💕
3:15~ Hey Babe

My Love💕
3:23~ Babe

My Love💕
3:25~ Babe

My Love💕
3:27~ Babe

My Love💕
3:40~Omfg Answer Me!

My Love💕
3:46~Watch when you get home I'm beating yo a**

My Love💕
3:50~ Babe I was just kidding please answer!!!😫

My Love💕
3:53~I miss you babe do you miss me?

My Love💕
4:00~ What the hell are you doing I know you see me texting you! 😑

My Love💕
4:04~Wait until you get home😴

I laughed at her childishness and put my phone in my cut holder. I looked over at Chrissy and grabbed her phone out her hand.

She looked at me reaching over trying to get her phone. I put it in my purse and zipped it closed.

I turned back to her and sighed.
"I know don't have to hide your emotion's in front of me".

"I'm fine Nicki okay....I promise if I ever get depressed or need to talk to somebody I will call you....if you give me my phone back!" She said trying to get my purse while chuckling.

I reached in my purse and grabbed her phone giving it to her.
After dropping Chrissy off at her apartment I finally headed home. As I pulled in to my drive way I noticed another car parked there.

I scrunched up my eyebrows and shrugged. I parked my car into the garage, grabbed all my belongings and headed inside.

I opened the door to my house to the smell of lemons and shrimp. I walked into my kitchen to see Bey and Kristina.

I frowned and cleared my throat to let my appearance be known.

"Hey babe" Bey said annoyed.

"Don't hey babe me...why the hell is she in my house?!" I asked dropping my purse and phone on the counter top.

"Calm down! She was just here to talk...We just had a discussion nothing more nothing less"

I watched her walk Kristina out the house. I was still looking forward to an explanation for why she was even in my house.


"What?" She walked back in the kitchen grabbing plates...I guess for dinner.

"Why was she here?!"

She dropped the plate and sighed.

"Nicki...she called me and asked me if she could come over and talk" she spoke calmly.

"About what! I have the right to know why that hoe was in my house!"

"Okay! You know what....your so quick to call this your house when you didn't pay one dime for this damn house. And ever since we lived here I've been the one taking care of all the bills! So take a raincheck sweetie!"

"Bey your the one who just told me to relax and not worry about any bills or anything when we moved in this DAMN house!"

"Yeah but can you at least do something! Clean, Cook! Look....Kristen came over to apologize to me for trying to have sex with me at the hotel and we just talked and I told her it was my fault for even flirting with her and disrespecting you and her in the first place. You would know that if just didn't pop off and start an argument right away"

"Who said we were arguing Bey I just wanted to know why she was here!"

"Okay Nicki...your food is in the microwave I've had a long day searching for jobs and applications and things like that so I'm going to bed"

She began to walk off.
"So your not working with me anymore?" I asked.

"Nah....I got other interest" and with that she just walked upstairs.

Later on That Night
I walked upstairs getting ready for bed. I reached my room and started taking off my clothes.

Since I sleep naked it didn't take that long for me to get in bed. As I climbed in bed I couldn't really tell if Bey was sleep or not because it was so dark.

I got comfortable under the covers. And cuddled with my pillow. I really should consider to stop giving Bey a hard time even though she fucks up a lot I'm still grateful for her.

I mean she just quick her job. Her mom died like 2 months ago. And I can tell she's just stressed. I turned around towards her to hear her light snores.

I smiled playing with the ends of her light brown hair. I kissed her lips and cuddled with her.

I was relieved when I felt her arm wrap around my waist. Gripping my naked bottom and kissing my forehead.

"I love you Nicki"

"I love you too babe"

Hey guys😃... I really don't have anything to say so....yeah sorry for any mistakes.


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