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Okay before I start this chapter I wanna get somethings in order. Nicki is texting a guy named Don (Don in the media). This book is going to skip ahead to months because I just wanna track how long they've been texting. Okay enjoy loves.
Nicki Pov-2months later
Don and I have been texting for 2 months now and even though it might seem quick I really want to meant him. He's so out spoken and he just gives off a vibe that I can't explain, even though I've only known him for 2 months it seems like forever. "Hey girlie" Chrissy said walking in the house "Hey were you been " I smiled, after I asked her that question she rolled her eyes. " Over Gabby house with her stubborn ass" she signed and I laughed, Gabby is Chrissy's girlfriend they are a cute couple but I don't know if I could deal with the attitude of someone the same gender as me. "So how's your online dating going" she plopped down next to me on the couch "Good I guess.... who am I kidding horrible he doesn't want to meet me" I signed. "Onika it's only been 2 months give it some time" Chrissy smiled and I nodded, maybe she's right it I'll give it at least 2 more months.
I was just arriving at my store, I was getting out my car walking inside to see the other co-worker packing up to go home. "Bye Nicki" she said, I waved goodbye and went to the back to clock in, as I started my shift I noticed a woman walking in she was gorgeous....beyond gorgeous. "Welcome to Epitome Boutique can I help you with anything" I said smiling walking around my desk, she looked at me and it seemed like she was froze she was staring at me like she knew me which was weird . I guess she snapped out of her daze and smiled, her smile was breath taking "U-Um n-no thanks I-I'm okay" she said why was she stuttering is she nervous?I frowned "okay well if you need me let me know my name is Nicki" I stuck out my hand and she looked at it. "Yonce" she smiled shaking my hand and her hands were super sweaty. I walked away wiping my hand on my jeans. That was awkward I just wanted to be her friend, I then heard my phone go off. "Hey babes wanna go out for drinks tonight" I saw the text Chrissy sent me and I just replied "sure", I hope Gabby isn't there they'll be arguing the whole night. I looked around and noticed that Yonce girl looking at bags, I walked over to her "are you looking for anything particular" I asked she nodded and lifted up a Chanel bag "I'll take this one" she said never making eye contact with me. I nodded "okay let me ring you up" she came over by the register and I rung up her bag then she paid for it. "Have a nice day" I smiled and she returned it which have me chills, man I hope I run into her again just so I could at least hang out with her.
I can't believe I just saw the woman of my dreams. She's so much prettier in person the way she smiles, her walk, her voice, her body she's just....perfect. This won't be the last time I see the beautiful Nicki.
Nicki Pov
"Omg Chrissy shut up" Gabby yelled over the loud music. I rolled my eyes why would Chrissy even bring her with us she is so annoying. I drunk down my last shot and felt the burning liquid slide down my throat, I looked around the club and it was packed. I kept looking and I'm the corner of the club I spotted him, my breathing picked up and I got so excited I was gonna tell Chrissy but she was to busy arguing with Gabby. Should I just walk over there and introduce myself, I should just go, I started to walk over there and when I got by the couches were he was I just got super nervous. "Are you Don" I asked looking at him as I approach him, he looked up and frowned "um sorry baby nobody name Don over here" he smiled. And I got confused "wait yes you are I was taking to you online for like 2 months and it was you....your face...your pictures" he chuckled and pulled me to the side. " Listen if I talked to a girl like you I would've remembered my name is Kevin not Don, I don't know who was texting you and using my pictures but you need to figure that out asap I wish you luck baby girl if you need me call me" he kissed my forehead and have me a card with his number on it. If he wasn't the person I was texting then who the hell was it.
The next Morning-Nicki Pov
It was 8:00 I was at work heated. Last night I texted "Don" and told him what happen in the club
Flashback Last Night
I just got in the house and I needed to text this Don guy. I'm so confused if I've been getting played with for the past 2 months I will be pissed.I pulled out my phone.
"What's going on" I texted away
"What do you mean" he replied
" I went to the club tonight and saw you there well at least I thought it was you it was the person in the pictures he said his name wasn't Don it was Kevin, now I repeat what's going on".
After that he never replied back I've been sitting behind the counter with my phone in my hand all day. It's been pretty slow today it was only 1 customer in here and he was just browsing around. I just want to meet the the asshole who's been playing me, my thoughts got interrupted by my phone going off. I looked at it and it said I'm sorry-Don.
You gotta be kidding me "I want to meet you I already know your not the person in the pictures" he replied quick "I know if you meet me you'll be ashamed of me I'm so sorry" " if I meet you I'll be happier and I don't want you to explain to me in a text message" I signed and waited for him to reply "okay tonight dinner"
I was sitting at the table waiting for her to walk in. When she knows it's me she's gonna flip, I didn't mean for this to happen the only reason I created that stupid dating site was to get back at my ex. I do have feelings for Nicki...ever since she texted me and sent me that picture of her I fell in love automatically. I have a lot to explain to Nicki I then spotted her walk in looking gorgeous as usual when she spotted me she looked confused and started to walk towards me. "Hey Yonce what are doing here" she smiled and I chuckled nervously "I'm Don".
I planned on doing this chapter longer BUT I wanted to leave y'all with a surprise ending.
If your confused (some of you might be) Yonce was using Kevin's pictures for the dating site and put the name as Don. Get ready cause the next chapter finna be flame asl.♨️. Sorry for mistakes remember I'm new at this so comment tell me what you think and leave tips/suggestions
~Love Dazie ✌️❤️

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