Chapter 14-New Life

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Comment Y'all Let me know what's y'all think💨 This chapter is a little longer than I wanted it to be😭
All our woman in the MM😍
Bey Pov
I was currently sitting at the bar downstairs in the hotel.

I already had 5 shots of patron and I swear the room was spinning. I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket.

I pulled myself together and looked at the phone squinting it read Chrissy👄.

"Hello" is slurred

"Well I hope your happy Nicki is in the hospital right now you broke her jaw!"

"And she hit me with a metal bat TWICE! Look I don't even care no more tell Nicki I hope she has a better life without me because I'm done with b.s" I hung up the phone and got up from my chair.

Using the wall to hold myself up as I walked to the bathroom. I opened the door and looked in the mirror.

I had a small cut on my lip and the right side of my face was still red.

I pulled up my shirt to see a huge bruise on hip from when she hit me with the bat I signed.

I turned on the water and splashed some on my face. I heard the door open but I didn't pay it any mind.

I kept splashing water on my face until it all came up....I started throwing up all inside the sink.

"Oh My God!" I heard this woman behind me yell.

She started grabbing napkins and cleaning up my mess. I frowned.

"Are you okay?!" She asked and I stood there looking like dummy.

She was gorgeous! Way outta my league...she had pretty light skin, big pink lips, big brown eyes and dimples to die for.

I just nodded. And she laughed. Oh my god...her laugh was like music to my ears.

"I guess it's been a rough night huh?" she smiled showing her dimples.

"You don't know the half of it".

She grabbed more paper towels wiping the sweat off my forehead.

"We're you from?" she asked.

"Well...Uh I live in Atlanta"

"Oh...I love it there!"

"How about you?" I watched her rinse out the sink and wipe around it.

"Born in Chicago Illinois. Raised here in Miami Florida, I'm actually in the process of moving back here! That's why I'm staying in this hotel".

I nodded.

She stuck her hand out "I'm Stacy".

"I'm Beyonce but you can call me Bey".

"Well Bey let's get you to your room you look like you been through hell".

If only she knew.

We actually didn't go to my room we went to her room.


I have no clue.

She swiped her key and he door unlocked she grabbed my arm pulling me in.

"Here go wait in my bathroom, right down the hall" she said.

I nodded and walked to her bathroom turning on the light taking off my jacket and sitting on top of the counter.

Changing Me -By DaisyWhere stories live. Discover now