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  I wake up in a small room

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I wake up in a small room. The walls are constructed of twigs and I am laying on an elevated mat. Its quiet. I can hear my breath. My chest rises up and down, up and down, the only sign indicating that I am alive.

The dark skinned boy walks in. Says nothing. Takes a seat.

I stare at him. He stares at me and looks me over. Silence fills the room. I look down at my chest. Up and down, up and down.

He finally breaks the silence.

"My name is Alby."

Up and down.

"I am first in command of the Glade. The Glade is where you are now. We are the Gladers."

Up and down.

"Your memory loss is completely normal. Every one of us came up in that box just like you, with no memory of ourselves, only our names." I know he is trying to relax me, but I still cannot manage to trust him. Questions fill my brain up.

Finally I collect the courage to say something. "Who put us here? Why are we in this place? Why am I so special?!" My voice rises with each word, wondering what the hell is going on, and why everyone was so confused to see me.

"Calm down. I promise you're perfectly safe here. We mean no harm to you."

"You didn't answer my questions." I press my eyes into his, finally sitting up, arms crossed across my chest.

He sighs. Rubs his forehead with his hand and bends over, propping himself up with his arms. "The Creators put us here. Who they are, we don't know. Why we are here we don't know either. And you're special because...well you're the only girl."

Up down. Up down. Focus on your breathing. Up down.

"So you can't remember anything?" I ask.

"No. Only our names. But don't worry, your name will come to you in about two days or so. Its the only thing they–"

I cut him off, "Olivia."


"My name. It is Olivia."

"You remember?"

"Well obviously." Is that not normal? Stupid question. Nothing right now is normal.

  But the minute I woke up in that box I knew my name. I knew I had a mother and a father and a nice home. I don't remember what they looked like, though. I remember important events in my life,
but not who was there or what I was doing. But I definitely knew my name. It is Olivia and I also know that I don't belong here.

Alby is stunned to silence.

Up down. Up down.

He stands up. Offers me a hand. I take it and climb off of the makeshift bed.

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