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  We head back to the Glade. It's about late afternoon.

  "Olivia! Minho!" Newt runs over to us. Embraces me in a hug. "I'm so glad you guys are safe," He says, kissing my cheek.

  "Wow much love for Minho." Minho says.

  Newt laughs and gives Minho a guy-hug.

  "Did you guys find anything?" Newt asks.

  Some of the other Gladers run over to join us, including Chuck, Winston and Gally.

  "Yeah. Yeah Olivia found something." Minho says, waiting for me to explain.

  I take a moment to gather my thoughts before speaking. "We found where the Grievers go during the day."

  "You found the Grievers' home?" Newt questions. "How?"

  "This," I hand him the Griever brain. "I found it with the Griever I killed."

  "She shucking reached her hand in the thing and ripped it out! I am starting to think we should be scared of this girl." Minho says.

  I give a slight laugh. "It guided us to a vault of some sort, unreachable until we had this."

  "It could be our escape!" Minho says, practically dancing.

  "So you're proposing we take our friends to where the Grievers live? That's your idea?!" Gally snorts.

  I turn to him. "Their way in could be our way out."

  "Yeah, or there could be a dozen Grievers waiting on the other side, the point is, Olivia doesn't know what she's done, as usual!" Gally yells.

  "Oh yeah? Well at least I did something, Gally." I fire back, anger lacing my voice.

  "Step back, Greenie. Just shut up, you don't know what you're talking about. You've been here for days. I've been here for years."

  "And how much have you done in all those years? I found a way out!" Before Gally can reply, someone shouts from a few feet away.

  It's Clint. "Guys! Alby's awake!"

  This shuts everyone up. I look at Newt and Minho and follow them as they run to the Medjack room.


  Alby sits on the bed, facing the wall. His tank top clings to his sweaty body and his hands are shaking as he murmurs words to himself. The room is dark.

  "Alby?" Newt asks, slowly closing the door.

  No response.

  "Is he feeling okay?" Newt turns to Clint, who is standing in the corner.

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