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Enjoying all the positive feedback! <3 Instagram: Shuckoffgreenie

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Enjoying all the positive feedback! <3 Instagram: Shuckoffgreenie

  Its the middle of the day. The sun has still not risen, which is odd. The dark sky seems to put everyone in a bad mood.

  Newt has me working the gardens with him. Although I still wish to be a runner, I can't help but be excited to work with Newt.

  We are digging holes into the ground to plant tomatoes when I ask Newt, "Newt. What did Gally mean when he said he saw me?"

  Newt stops what he is doing. Drops his shovel and wipes his forehead before motioning for me to take a seat on a log.

  "You remember how I was telling you about how to never go into the Maze at night?" He asks as I sit down next to him, wiping my dirty palms on my jeans.


  "Well, one evening, Gally barely made it past the closing doors. He got 'stung' by one of those nasty buggers."

  "The Grievers?"

  He nods. "When a Griever stings you, you have to take the Grief Serum. While it saves your life, it puts you through a horrible three days of pure torture. And during those three days, you receive past memories. Only bits and pieces that never fit together. We call it the Changing, because it changes you, and that is an understatement. Gally was not so bitter once. A while ago. Ever since the Changing, he has been rude and obnoxious. But he really seems to hate you."

  "Gee, thanks."

  "Its true. To be honest, I am surprised he hasn't shoved a knife in your stomach, the way you've been standing up to him."

  "That'll help me sleep tonight."

  "Don't worry, I'll watch over you. I'll never let anything happen to you, Olivia." He smiles at me, his eyes sparkling.

  "You mean it?" Our hands are on top of each other. He is warm and his touch makes me feel safe, like its only him and me, and nothing else matters. That this whole situation isn't so bad after all, as long as he is next to me.

  "Of course, love."


  I don't know what's happening but suddenly I am lost in his eyes, oh his beautiful brown eyes that swallow me up and for some strange reason all I want to do is be in his arms, have him with me and have him protect me.

  "We should get back to work." He says, still smiling at me and holding my gaze as we stand up and continue the chores of reality.


  It's the Glader's favorite night besides Greenie night. They call it the afterparty. After the Greenie has gotten used to ways, they have a night of goofing off and food and fun. It lightens everyone's mood, gives them a nice break from worrying, working or isolation. Frypan makes desserts for the first time ever and everyone plays games.

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