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Thank you Jamie for the amazing fan art above! (I don't have her wattpad username) If you have fan art, send it to me via Instagram (Shuckoffgreenie) ❤️

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Thank you Jamie for the amazing fan art above! (I don't have her wattpad username) If you have fan art, send it to me via Instagram (Shuckoffgreenie) ❤️

  I sleep for the rest of the day with no new dreams interrupting. When I open my eyes, the Homestead is eerily quiet. My neck is still really sore. I graze my fingers across it, wincing at the bruises. I try to call out for someone, but I've lost my voice.

  I sit there in silence for a while.

  Until I hear something.


  I look around the room. I don't recognize the voice and it's not coming from around me. It's distant and its in my head.

  "Olivia can you hear me?"

  I start to freak out. What if I've gone mad?

  "Olivia, it's okay."

  Who's there? I think since I can't talk.

  "Olivia, it's me. Aris," the voice replies. "I am talking to you from my mind."

  What? I don't know anyone named Aris. Who are you? How are you talking to me? God, I've gone mad.

  "You're not mad. Trust me. Look I can't talk long, but I just wanted to tell you they want us out of here."

  Who wants us out of here?

  "I'm sorry, I have to go."

  Wait! No!

  They don't reply.

  What in he world was that? Who are they?

  My thoughts are interrupted when there's a knock on the door.

  I attempt to say "Come in" but of course, nothing comes out.

  Jeff and Clint enter with a new bag of ice and Alby trailing behind him.

  "How are you?" Jeff asks. I give him a thumbs down. "Here, this will help." He hands me the ice and I hold it to my neck.

  "Frypan is bringing you soup later." Clint says. I nod.

  "What's the diagnosis?" Alby asks.

  "Well it's hard to tell with our bare eyes, but since she's having trouble talking, I assume her vocal cords are hurt. The bruises on her skin will fade and the swelling should go down within a day or so. I don't know when she'll get her voice back." Jeff replies.

  "When will her voice come back? How are you going to fix her throat? Will she be able to talk again?" Alby is frantic.

  "Look man, I got my job the same way you did. I know how to dress wounds and cure headaches, but this is much more serious,"

  Alby sits down. "Well thank you for what you've been able to do."

  I make a heart sign with my hands.

  Clint chuckles.

  "You're welcome Olivia." Jeff says and they leave me and Alby alone.

  He stares at me and I stare at him before he speaks. "Is there anyway you can tell me what happened?"

  I think for a minute. Then I use two fingers and imitate me walking and then another two fingers walking to me.

  "Ben approached you?" He asks.

  I nod then imitate kissing with my hands.

  Alby catches on as I demonstrate me trying to push away. And then I show him how he attacked me and tried to kill me.

  "Did he say anything?"

  I nod my head yes. I put my hands to my chest and then to my eyes and then to Alby.

  "He saw you." It's more of a statement than a question. I nod again.

  We don't say anything else for a while. Alby seems to be pondering what I just told him. Images of Ben bounce through my head, the ripped up mouth, the bloody nose, the chunks of hair missing. I don't think I can erase such a horrid image from my mind.

  Alby stands up. "Frypan should be here soon. It's almost dinner time."

  And he leaves.

  Chuck eats with me after I get my soup, keeping me company and explaining everything about his day. Everything. He's such a cute kid, he makes me laugh, or at least laugh as best I can.

  "I know what you're thinking," Chuck says, taking a sip of his soup. "You're thinking about Newt."

And he's right. I can't help but wonder why he never came to see me today.

  "Alby is being really strict with him. He's making Newt stay by his side 24/7."

  I need to see him. I need to see Newt. What Alby is doing is killing me. I am practically dead without him.

  I eat the rest of my soup while Chuck rambles on. Frankly, I'm not paying much attention. All I can think about is Newt, and how it felt when he wrapped his arms around me, and put his lips on mine. I miss him so much.

  Jeff walks in and checks on my neck. "You should be good to get out of bed tomorrow. Your neck will be sore and it may hurt to speak."

  Thank you, I mouth to him as he hands me fresh ice and shushes Chuck out of my room.

  "Goodnight Olivia!" He squeals before the door closes.


  The next day I wake up bright and early. I've only been in the Medjack's room for a day and I am already anxious to get out. I put on some fresh clothes and my shoes and tie up my hair, leaving the stuffy room behind.

  "Woah, hold on speed racer," Someone grabs my shoulders from behind and spins me around. Jeff is looking me over. "Are you sure you don't want to spend another day with us?" He says laughing.

  "Y-es," I struggle to talk, but the words spilling out of my mouth feel so good against my tongue.

  "Well I guess if you can speak." He says, gently touching and examining my neck.

  "I-be ok." My voice is raspy but determined, and every word is like one of Winston's knives slicing my throat.

  "Fine. But avoid speaking too much. Your voice needs to rest. And get ice before you go to bed and only eat soup." Jeff instructs. I nod my head in understanding and make my way down the halls of the Homestead.

AUTHOR: Hi guys! Are you enjoying so far? This chapter's a lil short. Next one will be up soon! Who is Aris and why are they speaking to Olivia? And what will happen to Newlia if Alby keeps a close eye on Newt all the time? Bye guys! xx.

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