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Do you have fan art? Send it to me through Instagram (Shuckoffgreenie) or E-mail (Acreativeblur@gmail.com) ❤️

  Sleep doesn't come easily, but when it does, I dream.

  "Olivia. It's okay. You'll be safe here." The woman from my last dreams says. I am a little girl. We are on a train. I see myself sitting there and next to me are a couple other small kids. I feel like I know them. And I do.

  They are the Gladers.

  Next, I am sitting at a table, analyzing an image I cannot decipher. Someone, a boy, is sitting across from me.

  "How are you holding up?" The boy asks me. It takes me a moment to register the voice.

  "I'm alright, Aris." I say.

  Lastly, I am standing in a lab, bodies on tables all around me. I recognize the faces, but I cannot put names to them. Most of them are girls. And there is one boy. They are hooked up to machines, each one displaying information on a screen which is all blurry.

  The last thing I hear before I wake up is "Wicked is Good"

  I sit up, someone is talking to me. I realize I am still in the Slammer. It's still dark out, probably early morning.

  Chuck is talking to me.

  "Are you awake?" He asks.

  I rub my eyes. "Yeah, yeah I'm awake."

  "Good. I brought you some food." He says and slips me a loaf of bread and a cup of water through the opening in the gate.

  "Thank you." I say and quickly devour the food. It's gone before I can even think about how it tastes.

  Chuck laughs, snorting.

  "What?" I ask, wiping my face to make sure he wasn't laughing at crumbs on my cheek.

  "You eat like a pig." Chuck says, still laughing and snorting.

  "Oh yeah well you laugh like one." I tease back, giggling. His dark brown curls move up and down as he continues to laugh.

  Once it dies down, Chuck pulls something out of his pocket. It's the statue he was carving. It's all done now.

  "Olivia. Do you think you can find a way out of here?" He asks, staring at his figurine in between his fingers.

  "Yeah. Yeah I think we'll get out of here." I say.

  "Do you think I have a family. Somewhere? Parents who are looking for me?"

  "Chuck, I know you have a mom out there who is sitting on your bed, holding onto your pillow, bawling her eyes out as she looks at the cruel world that took you from her." I say. A sudden heat rises up in my chest.

  Chuck is just a kid. A small kid who probably hasn't even turned twelve yet. And here he is, living a horrible life that he doesn't even have a say in. He should be in school. He should be playing on a sports team and developing his first crush right now. He should be living his one and only childhood right now with a mom who tucks him in every night and a dad who helps him with his homework. Chuck deserves all that. It makes me hate whoever put us here. A deep hatred for them is what I have, I didn't even know such feelings could exist in a human being. I hate them enough to torture them, kill them even. How cruel can one be to lock a poor kid up in a Maze with no memory of the beautiful life he was forced to leave behind.

  Chuck interrupts me from my thoughts. "When you solve this Maze. When you escape. Be sure to give this to my mom." He hands me the statue. It's a little woman. On her back, the letters M-O-M are engraved.

  "Thank you Chuck. But I don't want it." I hand it back to him.

  "Why not?"

  "Because you're gonna get out of here too. And you're gonna be the one to give it to her." I say, smiling at him.

  "You promise?"

"Pinky promise."

  "Thanks Olivia." He stands up. Walks away.

  I fall back asleep in a calm, relaxed bliss.

AUTHOR: Hey guys! Sorry this chapter is a little short. As of right now, I've seen The Scorch Trials twice! I can't wait to see it again. ITS SO SHUCKING GOOD! Hope you're enjoying! Bye!

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