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  Gally snaps at the guy holding me and he pins me up against the pole, tying my hands above my head.

  "What?" I say, frantically pulling at the ropes bounding me to the pole.

  "When the Grievers come, they'll finally have what they want. They've killed 15 of us already and we are only going to lose one more."

  "How can you guys agree to this?" I turn my head to the other Gladers. "Stop just standing there! Think for a minute!"

  "Listen to what he's saying! This isn't the solution! They will keep coming back and killing you all before you even have time to starve to death!" Newt shouts.

  "Just shut up!" Gally bellows.

  Suddenly, I hear yells and groans behind me, and I can't see. Minho, Jeff and Clint run in in front and Minho slugs Gally in the stomach. Jeff cuts my ropes and I fall forward, quickly scrambling to my feet. Clint has taken out the two holding Newt, and he hands me a few knives which I tuck into my belt, before taking hold of a spear. The five of us stand in front of the Gladers, weapons out in front of us.

  "You guys," I start. "We don't belong here. We aren't supposed to die here. I saw things in the Changing. WICKED put us here, and they want us to get out. We have an escape, we just have to fight a few Grievers for freedom. And that's a risk I'm willing to take." I say, more confidence in my voice than I expected.

  "Don't listen to her! She just wants to kill you all! She's one of the Creators!" Gally yells.

  "Not anymore. Not ever." I say.

  "It's a trap! She's just trying to scare you!"

  "No, I'm not trying to scare you. You don't think I'm scared? I'm scared. I am scared to death. But I will not except this life. I will not die here. I know we can make it. I'd rather risk my life out there than spending the rest of it in here." I say firmly, looking at the crowd.

  The first one to step forward is Chuck. "I want to meet my mom." Is all he says as he stands next to me. Newt hands him a dagger.

  "You will. I promise." I say to him.

  Next is Winston. Then Frypan. Then another. Gladers stand next to us, one by one until only about 12 Gladers stand with Gally.

  I look at him. Although I hate him, Gally deserves a shot at a better life just as much as the rest of us.
"Come on, Gally."

  He shakes his head. "Have fun with the Grievers." And he walks away.

  I turn to the Gladers who've joined me.

  "Ready?" They all say yes. "Let's go!" I shout and we all run into the Maze, weapons in hand, prepared for battle.

  Minho and I lead the pack, zipping through corners and corridors, keeping an eye out for Grievers. Newt trails the group, his limp slowing him down a bit.

  "You okay?" I yell at him.

  "Great." He yells back. And so I keep on.

  Minho pulls out the Griever brain as we approach the walls. I quickly stop before turning the corner, peeking around the hallway. As expected, three Grievers stand in the way of the Griever hole wall, patrolling the space like watch dogs.

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