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Thank you DivergTHG for the lovely fan art above! Do you have fan art? Send it to me by Instagram (shuckoffgreenie) or email ( ❤️❤️❤️


  I dream again.

  I see people in tubs of water, screaming and pounding against that glass that constricts them. I stand there and watch them, writing something down in my clip board. I am working on another blue print. The woman with the voice that always says "Wicked is Good," stands before me.
"Good job, Olivia. Come with me. The second one is about to go."

  The girl in my last dream is talking to me. "They've sent him. He's gone."

  I snap my eyes open and I jolt awake, head pounding and chest heaving.

  I feel the need to run.

  I quickly slip my shoes on and weave my way through the labyrinth of hammocks, careful not to wake the sleeping bodies. My stomach feels like its on a roller coaster and my legs are wobbly. I make it out of the homestead and collapse to the ground, emptying all contents of my stomach, belly and chest heaving afterward.

  I hear the crunching of leaves behind me.

  No no no I don't want him to see me like this.

  "Olivia? Oh my God." He rushes to my side, putting his hands at my sides.

  I push his arms away. "Please, please just go. I'm fine." I say this as I cough some more, but I'm not ready to tell him about my dreams.

  "Look at yourself! You're not fine! I'm going to go get the Medjacks."

  "No! Don't wake them, I'm not sick, just go back to bed."

  "Then what's this?"

  "I don't know, I don't know." I say, my chest spasms cause me to hold my stomach as I continue to cough.

  Newt pulls my hair out of my face and rubs my back as my panic attack dies down, leaving us to only the sounds of the crickets. I glance up and meet his eyes, concern is written all over his face. "I'm going back to bed." I say as I stand up.

  "You're not going anywhere until you tell me what happened." Newt's firmness tugs at me.

  "Fine, but can we not talk about it here?"

  He nods and I follow him into the woods. It takes us a couple minutes to get there which makes me realize how deep the forest actually is. We pass the Deadheads, the graveyard of the Glade. There are about 10 wooden tomb stones jutting out of the ground.

  "What happened to all those people?" I ask him while we continue to walk.

  "Alby and I were the first ones in the Glade. We had dark days as more boys came up each month. We eventually established order, and built a community. That's why we have three simple rules: Do your part, Never harm another Glader, and Never go beyond the walls of the Maze. We realized that we are all in this together, and if we don't have each others' backs, then we have nothing."

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