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  The beeping gets faster and louder with each step forward. I turn around. "Come on Minho!" I say.

  "I swear Olivia if you get us killed." He runs up to me and we walk.

  I pull one of the knives out of my bag and begin to cut the vines as we walk, leaving bread crumbs of sorts as we turn corners here and there, going wherever the Griever part leads us.

  All I can think about is my conclusion about the Maze. About how WICKED seems to be written on everything here and I think about that woman's voice telling me over and over again that "Wicked is Good."

  But what does it all mean?

  I push the thoughts away and focus on wherever the beeping takes Minho and I.

  Something starts to ring. Except its not the Griever thing. Its not the Maze. No, this is deep inside my head and then all of a sudden it stops.

  "Olivia? Olivia are you there?"

  I almost stop. It's Aris. In my mind, again.

  Aris?I think in my mind, and make a mental "push" to deliver my thought.

  "Olivia! Oh my God hi." He says.

  Although Newt says Aris is dead, and whoever he is should be in the ground or something, I can't help but feel...normal...when he talks to me. This weird telepathy thing baffles me.

  What do you want? I ask.

  "Olivia, I made it out."

  Made it out of where?

  "Made it out of the Maze."

  What? What do you mean?

  "Look there's only so much I can tell you. I would explain more, but this whole mind speaking thing mentally wears me out. So I gotta make this quick."

  Talk. I think.

  "We made it out of the Maze. We're waiting for you!"

  We? Who's we?

  "I will tell you later."

Perilous Love | Maze RunnerWhere stories live. Discover now