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Thank you to Madison who sent this to me on Instagram! I love it so much! Do you have fan art? Send it to me on Instagram (Shuckoffgreenie) or through email (Acreativeblur@gmail

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Thank you to Madison who sent this to me on Instagram! I love it so much! Do you have fan art? Send it to me on Instagram (Shuckoffgreenie) or through email (



The doors are shut. She's inside the Maze. She's going to die. She's gone. And there's nothing I can do about it.

"No," I whisper to myself. "No no No!" I say it louder this time.

Frypan is next to me. "Newt–"

I'm not listening. My fists are pounding so hard on the door and I am yelling at no one in particular. "Get them out of there! Get, open the doors! No!"

"Newt you know we can't open the doors," Frypan is trying to drag me away, but I am fighting him. I know he's right. There's no way we can get them back. They either make it through the night, or they die. And I know the first option is impossible.

I collapse to the ground. There's a dark cloud over my head and my heart is shattered.

Someone sits me down on one of the picnic benches. I look up and Frypan is sitting across from me.

"Newt, I know you're upset. But there's nothing we can do about it. You're the leader now and we need you to tell us what to do,"

"Don't you bloody understand? Alby is gone. My best friend is gone. The girl I love is gone!" I shout at him, practically shaking. "I loved her," I whisper it this time, more to myself than anyone else. I loved her and failed to keep her safe. I didn't even get to say goodbye. I yelled at her for stupid things and now she's gone and I'll never get her back.

"I know man. Minho and Alby were my friends too. And Olivia, she was pretty shucking awesome,"

But he doesn't understand. He doesn't understand how my heart is sore and my lungs are about to collapse. I can't help the tears rolling down my cheeks. The world is a sad, dark place and I feel empty.

"Frypan. Please, just leave me alone,"

He nods and gets up to leave.

I put my head is my hands, still processing what just happened. She really is gone. Forever.

I am sobbing. I don't care if the other's see me, I don't care if they laugh or call me a sissy. She was my world.

My world that is now broken.

Perilous Love | Maze RunnerWhere stories live. Discover now