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  "I'll go first," I say as I swing my legs into the hole and push myself through. I am surprised that it is a steep drop. "WOAH!" I yell as I practically fall straight down, landing on my feet, sending vibrations through my bones.

  "You alright?" I hear Minho say from above.

  "Yeah. Yeah, come on down. Be careful!" I warn.

  Minho thumps down on to the floor, falling over. "Shuck." He mutters, groaning as he stands up.

  "Good job." I say and slap his back.

  "Yeah yeah whatever. Lets just get the other shanks down here." He dusts off his pants and calls the others down, one by one.

  Once all the Gladers are down, I take a look at our surroundings. A light comes on and illuminates the small hallway we are standing in. A sign is mounted on the wall at the end of the hallway. It reads exit.

  "Really?" I hear Frypan mumble. I walk towards the illuminated sign.

  There's a door. A simple, metal door. I mentally laugh to myself. I turn to Newt, who rubs my arm and nods. I push it open.

  The first thing I notice are the bodies scattered across the floor. They all wear white suits and have multiple bullet holes, the blood staining the light fabric. "The Right Arm" is printed across the helmets. They are all dead.

  "Who's the Right Arm?" Minho asks.

  My feet crunch against the broken glass. Red and white lights flash all around us and a slight beeping sound is muffled in the distance.

  "I have no idea." I say, observing the room. The opposite wall has one more door. I pull it open and there are three black figures standing at the far wall, along with more bodies of "The Right Arm" all over the floor.

  I stop abruptly. Stare at the three people at the far end of the room.

  "Who are you?" I half say, half yell.

  One of the silhouettes steps forward.

  Its the girl from my dreams. She has long caramel hair that falls down to her waist in short curls. Her eyes are hazel, and I recognize them. She looks my age. And she smiles brightly.

  "Hello, Olivia," She says. Her voice is smooth. She is dressed in all black. A dark lab coat she wears has WICKED printed across the left side. "I've missed you."

  "Who are you?" I ask again, more forceful this time.

  "Relax, Olivia. I am not going to hurt you." She takes a step forward, her heels clicking against the metal floor. I move backward.

  "She asked who you are!" Newt says from behind me.

  She turns to him. "Hello Newt. Its nice to see you again."

  "Answer the question!" I yell. She seems taken aback.

  "Olivia, it surprises me that you would speak to me like this." She frowns.

  "And why is that?" I question.

  "My name is Bonnie. I was your best friend before you were sent to the Maze."

  This leaves me speechless. The girl in my memories. The one who told me about Newt. My friend.

  "You-You work for Wicked?!" I say.

  "Yes, I do. And so did you, as you know."

  "Who's with you?!" I say, pointing to the figures on her sides.

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