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Do you have fan art? Send it to me through Instagram! (Shuckoffgreenie) ❤️❤️❤️

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Do you have fan art? Send it to me through Instagram! (Shuckoffgreenie) ❤️❤️❤️

  I am sitting up in Newt's tree house the next day, laying down, staring at the gray sky. The air is colder than usual, a slight wind picking up, blowing my hair to the side.

  And then I hear it.

  "Olivia?" The voice rings through my head. I sit straight up.

  Aris? I think to myself. It works.

"Hi." He, it sounds like a he, says.

  Who are you? I ask, still not convinced I am not just hearing myself.

  "I can't tell you. But we will see each other soon."

  What? What do you mean?

  "They want us out of here."


  "The people who put us here. They want us out of the Maze."

  How do you know I'm in the Maze? Are you one of the Gladers?

  "I don't know what a Glader is, Olivia. I'm just as confused as you are. All I know is that they want us out of the Maze."


  "Olivia, I have to go."

  No! Aris. Don't you dare leave me!

  "Remember, WICKED is good."

  And his voice disappears.


  I am alone with my thoughts until I hear footsteps climbing up the tree house.

  "Hello love," Newt says, sitting down next to me. "I knew you'd be here."

  "Sorry. If I have to pull one more weed I'll end up pulling my eyeballs out as well."

  "We can always give you a different job."

  A thought pops into my mind. "Can I be a Runner?"

  Newt sighs. "I don't know, Olivia. Runners are special."

  "You don't think I'm special?"

  "No, not like that. You see, Runners are the best of the best. The smartest. The fastest. The strongest. Not everyone is cut out for that. And I should know."

  "What do you mean?"

  Newt looks at his ankle. "I hurt myself. Badly. In the Maze. I almost didn't make it out in time."

Perilous Love | Maze RunnerWhere stories live. Discover now