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  "Olivia! Wait you shank!" Minho yells after me.

  I feel like I am in a trance. My right hand glides across the wall, swiftly moving the ivy vines in and out of place and I follow the memory of a couple nights ago. To where I killed the Griever.

  Minho finally catches up to me. Puts an arm on my shoulder and spins me around to face him. "What the shuck are you doing?" Minho asks.

  I shake his arms off. "Minho. You said no one has ever seen a Griever and lived to tell about it. But now, we have one! You're telling me you aren't even a little bit curious?" I reply, looking him dead in the eyes.

  "No, not really," Minho says sarcastically. I sigh and keep walking. "Fine. Hold up." He runs back up to me.

  We walk until we find where the walls had closed the previous night. The once smushed Griever now rests on the Maze floor, ten feet in front of us.

  "Shuck." Minho whispers to himself.

  It's body is all crumbled up, which seems impossible given its mushy, slimy skin. It's legs and arms poke out everywhere, it's spikes still jutted out. The most horrifying part is that it's mouth is still open, aerated teeth glistening in the faint light, as if giving off a silent scream.

  But curiosity gets the better of me.

  I take a couple steps closer, examining the creature in more detail. I can finally get a good look at it, knowing it's not trying to eat me. I hear a faint clicking sound.

  "Minho, shh," I say, and lean forward, getting closer to the sound. "Do you hear that?"

  "No." He says, hands in his pockets.

  I take a few more steps towards the Griever and reach down.

  "Olivia! What are you doing-"

  A scream fills the air and the Griever's leg shoots towards me. I fall backwards, landing on my butt. Then everything goes silent.

  "What the hell was that?" Minho says, he's covering his ears.

  "I don't know, reflex maybe?" I get back up and take my process slower this time. I try again, and reach my hand towards the monster. My fingers graze it's gooey skin, before I finally reach my hand all the way into the blubber. I feel vibrating and a cool metal surface against my hand. I grab whatever it is and forcefully yank it out.

  "Nasty, Olivia." Minho whines.

  "Shut up ya shank." I say. What I just grabbed resembles a tube of some sort, with multiple wires sticking out everywhere. The clicking has turned to beeping now and a red light is flashing on the object.

  There is a small screen, with the number 7 on it. WICKED is written across it.

  "Wicked," I whisper to myself. "Wicked. Minho!" I turn around.

  "Still here."

  "The supplies that comes up in the Box. It has the letters WICKED on it, right?" I ask.

  "Um, yeah?"

  "This thing that came out of the Griever. Come look at it," Minho steps closer to hold it. "The supplies, the Beetle Blades. This came out of a Griever, and those plaques on the walls? Think about it. World in catastrophe, killzone experiment department. Wicked is an acronym. Whoever Wicked is, whoever put us here, built the Maze. I don't think this is protection from the outside world." I say, putting the pieces together.

  "Then what is this place?"

  "I don't know. But we're here for a reason," I say, taking the object back. "I think this is the Griever's operating system."

  "Why is seven on there? What's so special about this section?" Minho asks.

  "I think sector seven is where it's scheduled to patrol." I turn the object around in my hands. The letters and the number is all that is written on it. The rest is covered in Griever slime.

  The beeping is still going on and it makes me want to rip my ears off. "We should get this back to the Glade." I say. We start to walk back and the beeping stops.

  "Why'd it stop?" Minho asks.

  I shrug. Take a step backwards. The beeping becomes audible again, but very faint. I turn around and start walking back in our previous direction. The beeping gets louder and more frantic as I pass the Griever and reach the end of the corridor.

  I turn to Minho. "I think it's guiding us to the Griever's home."

AUTHOR: HEY GUYS! Sorry this chapter's short! I thought it'd be a dramatic ending...hehehe. As of right now, I have seen Scorch Trials three times...BUT I WANT TO SEE IT FIVE BAJILLION TIMES! ASDFGHJKL; Anyways, thanks for almost 300 reads! Lots of love! <3 - A Creative Blur

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