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Fan art by the lovely @DramioneShipper1427 Do you have fan art? Send it to me via instagram (acreativeblur) or email (acreativeblur@gmail

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Fan art by the lovely @DramioneShipper1427 Do you have fan art? Send it to me via instagram (acreativeblur) or email (acreativeblur@gmail.com)

Newt helps me out the door, the other three following close behind.

"So, Olivia. What's your plan for getting past Gally?" Minho asks, catching up to us.

"Gather supplies. Round up Gladers. Leave." I say, keeping a determined mindset, not daring to think about the possibility of getting killed by a Griever.

"Good that. We'll go get food and water for everyone I guess." Minho says.

"Yes. Newt and I will go to the map room and get weapons." I instruct before the boys take off. Newt and I slither out of the Homestead, staying low as we run into the woods and into the Map Room.

I am greeted again by the huge model of the Maze built into the center table, still amazed. A question pops into my head.

"Newt, of the Maze changes every night, how did you guys build this model?"

He sighs. "Yes, the Maze changes every night. But it follows a pattern. Every day, seven out of eight sections are open, and each night, one closes and a new opens. It's never failed to do so, to derail from the pattern. The order goes sectors 48217356."

"So why do you say it changes?"

"Gives the rest of the Gladers hope. It's harder than you think to tell them 'Oh sorry guys. The Maze has no opening, no escape. Minho's idea."

He has a point. But now we have an exit. Now we have a way out. "We're gonna get out. For real this time. Can you believe it?" I say, a smile growing on my face.

"You're right." Is all he says.

"We'll finally have normal lives. Once this test is over, we can go back to the way everything was."

"I don't want to go back to the way it was. I want to be with you." Newt takes a step closer. My heart speeds up.

"Me too."

He takes another step closer. "Olivia, do you think we were lovers before this?" He asks, taking one final step. Our faces are inches apart.

"Maybe." I whisper. I think of my memory about Aris, but it leaves just as quickly as it comes when Newt runs his hands along my forehead, sweeping away my stray baby hairs, and grazing across my cheek. His light brown eyes swallow me up and I am melting like syrup into his arms when they wrap around my waist, pulling my chest to his.

"You know, love, you're my hero." He says so quietly, just enough to tickle my ears.

And with that, he puts his lips on mine, and my whole sense of the world flies away. His lips are soft and feel extraordinary against mine. His hands travel up and down my sides before lifting me up onto the table. I wrap my legs around him and lean into his space, never breaking. The kiss is passionate and means so much, it means I love you and Never let me go. Taking a break for air, I stare into his deep eyes that capture my soul. He is my world.

His lips find mine again and we continue. My fingers tug at the bottom of his shirt and he takes it off, throwing it on the floor. I move my hands to his chest, tracing every muscle and every line. It's smooth and toned. I can practically feel his heart beating against his skin. Beating for me. The warmth of his lips fill me up, sending a current rushing through my body. His hands slip under my hoodie, gently rubbing my skin. I want him closer to me, but he has pulled me towards him as much as he can so I focus on his lips, in melody with mine. They taste like peppermint. My lips are sore and raw but we keep going, only stopping to breathe. His lips travel to my jaw, leaving kisses all along the top of my neck and his hands rub my lower back. My arms wrap around his neck as he goes back to my lips, giving them a minute more of love before breaking away.

"I love you." He says.

"I love you more." I say back.

He laughs. "I love you most." He sets me back on the ground and slips his shirt back on.

"I like you better without a shirt." I say, more to myself but he seems to hear.

"Another day, love," He smiles and chuckles as we head down to the weapon room. I grab a couple backpacks and fill them with knives, and take a couple spears for us to carry.

We head back out of the map room and see a crowd of Gladers standing by the wall. A tall pole stands in front of them, along with Gally. I see him point at me and shout something before I can hide anywhere. My muscles tense up as I see some of his bulky friends marching towards us.

"Don't get any closer." Newt warns, but they quickly push him backwards and he falls to the ground. One of them grabs me and pins my arm behind my back until I drop my weapon, searing pain rushing to my shoulder. The hold my hands behind my back and shove me forward, walking towards Gally.

"Well well well. Seems like someone wanted to escape, huh?" Gally scoffs.

"Let her go!" Newt screams. I turn my head and see the other two guys are holding him back. I flail and kick at whoever is holding me, but they pull my arm even farther back, sending pain all through my arm and back.

"Do you really think banishing me is going to solve anything?!" I yell out.

"Banishment? I'm not going to let you back out into the Maze, I'm not an idiot. This isn't s banishment. It's an offering."

AUTHOR: HI GUYS! Sorry this chapter's a lil short. Bleh. Next one will be up soon! THANKS FOR 500 READS!

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