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  All the boys are crowded around some wooden structure I cannot see, being typical boys, pushing, shoving etc. There is a place with some food and some logs to sit on. Seems like a legit party.

  It all falls silent when everyone sees me and Newt. A few people whistle. Someone shouts "Newty's got himself a girlfriend!" My face warms up and I take a step away from him, keeping my eyes on the ground.

  "Slim it," He barks at them.

  Alby approaches us. "You ready to officially become a Glader?" I nod. He leads me over to the structure thing and lights a torch. "To Olivia. She's the only girl, but she has proven to be pretty badass for only being here a couple hours," I smile. "Light em up!"

  He and several other Gladers throw the torches into the structure, setting it ablaze. People lift their drinks, whooping and hollering and the party officially begins. Alby hands me a jar filled with water and I take a seat quickly, resting my back against a log.

  I really start to notice how all the boys have their own friend groups. I don't know anything about this place or the people that inhabit it, but I can see that they all trust each other like they're brothers. Maybe so should I. After all, no one has really made an effort to seriously hurt me.

  I am by myself, left alone with my thoughts only as my nails tap the side of the jar. But the aloneness does not last long.

  Newt greets me and sits down next to me.

  "Didn't I promise I'd keep an eye on ya?" He chuckles and scoots closer to me. "So how was your first day?"

  "Confusing," I reply, still looking out at the walls that hold so many secrets. "What's out there?"

  He takes a moment, he thinks and runs a hand through his blond locks. I look back at him, waiting for an answer.

  He readjusts his position. Looks me straight in the eye. "That's the Maze,"

  The Maze.

  It hits me like a rock in the stomach. Something feels so familiar about it, yet I have never heard or seen such a place in my life, even my diluted memories can tell me that much. My head is swirling with all sorts of thoughts and explanations but none of them fit so I manage to express one thing, "We're trapped here, aren't we?"

  "For the moment," Newt says, taking a bite of his food. "But don't worry. Turn around," I face the other direction. "Look at those guys beside the fire. Those are the Runners. Every morning when the doors open they go into the Maze, mapping it, memorizing it, constantly searching for a way out."

  "And they haven't found it?"

  "Its a lot easier said than done. Listen," A minute goes by. I hear the faint rumbling sound coming from a distance. "Thats the Maze. Changing. It never is the same when we wake up."

  "Impossible." I breathe out.

"Wish it was." He contradicts.

  "So is that all you guys do around here?"

  "No, the rest of us have jobs to help maintain our community. We have the slicers, who work with the animals. Then the cooks. We have the track hoes, who garden. There's Gally, the keeper of the builders,"

  He is staring at me with a menacing look, his eyes filled with hatred.

  "He doesn't like me very much," I say, turning back around.

  "Well, he definitely has an edge to him. He's a hard worker though."

"Yeah but he's still an asshole."

  "He saved your life today. Those doors were about to close, and you would have been stuck out in the Maze tonight. And no one survives a night in the Maze."

  "What happens to them?"

  "We call em Grievers."

  Thats all he says. Silence fills the air and I am suddenly cold. I hug my knees and tuck my hair behind my ear.

  "So, then what's your job?" I ask, picking at my fingernails.

  "I'm second in command of this bloody place. But I like to spend time in the fields." Newt answers. "Enough sitting around. You're supposed to be the guest of honor!" He smiles and helps me to be feet. He introduces me to all the Gladers, and I get the same flirtatious reaction from all of them. Ignoring it, I grab a plate and pile some food onto it. As I take a bite, I hadn't realized how hungry I actually was. That sandwich earlier did nothing for me and I feel like I haven't eaten in five years.

  An hour later, the fire is still burning bright in the night sky. I am sitting with Newt and Minho, an Asian boy who is the Keeper of the Runners. He is telling Newt about what they found today. I don't understand any of it, I am half asleep anyway. My head is heavy and I plop it down onto Newt's shoulder. He doesn't even tense up, which is weird but I don't have the mindset to care at the moment.

  Maybe I am just too sleepy or maybe its actually happening but I swear I feel Newt's fingers brush through my hair and graze my cheek. And was that Minho whistling? Who knows...

  I quickly snap out of my sleep when I hear someone shout my name. Its Gally.

  "Newt! Tell your little girlfriend to get over here and wrestle."

  I look over at him. There's a crowd of Gladers around him and he's got his hands up in fists in front of him. I stand up and walk over to him but Newt grabs my arm.

"What the bloody hell do you think you're doing?" He says. "Gally would kill you. Literally."

  But I shake him off and proceed to the circle of boys. "Lets go." I say.

  "Really Gally?"

  "You're gonna hurt her!"

  "She's a girl, she can't fight."

  All the boys are yelling now.

  "You know what, you're right. She's probably too scared anyway." Gally says.

"I'm only scared you won't be able to open your eyes after I beat your ass."

  All of the boys start laughing. Gally shoots me a glare.

n"Fine. Rules are simple. You try and push me out of the circle. And not break your neck." He explains.

  He doesn't hesitate to jump for me. His hands wrap around my stomach and he slams me into the ground.

  "That was easy," I hear him say.

  Heat rises up in me. I jump up and push him onto the ground without hesitation. I am amazed by my own strength.

  "Who said girls can't fight?" I ask him. I start to walk away but he sticks his leg out and trips me. My head falls onto the ground and my vision goes blurry, head pounding against my skull.

  I stand up. Go over to shake his hand, but he blows me off and joins his friends. I stomp off and join Newt again.

  "My head hurts," I say.

  "I bet," He replies.

  I rest my head on his lap, not caring what other's think. I just need comfort, I don't care who it comes from. Maybe this is all a dream. Maybe I'll just wake up after this. Maybe I can return to the life I used to live.

Author: Hola people! Espero que te haya gustado esta parte, he estado trabajando muy duro en él. For anyone who does not speak Spanish, that is "I hope you enjoyed this part, I have been working very hard on it." :)

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