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I love getting messages like these, they make me so happy

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I love getting messages like these, they make me so happy. :) Come talk to me on Instagram! (Shuckoffgreenie) ❤️

  "Shit shit shit!" Newt jumps up, grabbing the back of his head. "Oh my God. We're gonna die. How could I be so bloody careless?"

  I climb to my feet and grab Newt's hands. "Newt, breathe."

  "How am I supposed to relax? Can't you see? If the doors don't close, the Grievers can just walk in and kill us all!"

  He's right.

  "What do we do?" Minho asks. He's just as worried as Newt.

  "Doesn't matter! We're all dead in an hour anyway. Aw shuck." Newt says.

  Newt is in panic mode, and Minho has no idea what to do. All the Gladers are running over to us, just as frantic as Newt is.

  "What do we do?" Everyone asks.

  "Newt please focus!" I say, grabbing his shoulders. "Help us!"

  "I don't know! We're gonna die."

  I've never seen Newt like this.

  So I decide to take over. "Okay everyone listen! We'll build barricades by the doors and Minho will go and grab weapons for everyone, then we will -"

  A loud screech echoes through the Glade. Everyone turns dead silent. I can hear the clicking and whirring and moans coming from deep with in the Maze. I walk over to the opening and I see one metal leg hit the ground from around the corner.

  "Everybody hide!" I scream. Some Gladers run to the Homestead. Others run to the box and jump inside. Some Gladers look lost. "Come with Minho and I!" I yell.

  I grab Chuck and Newt and Winston and Minho and I run over to the map room.

  "Minho! Get your key!" I yell, motioning towards the basement door.

  "I ain't got it!" He says back. "It's in my pack, which I left outside!"

  "Why would you do that?"

  "Because you told us to run from the shucking Grievers!"

  "You should have grabbed them!"

  Another loud scream sounds out from outside. It's closer this time.

  "Olivia, I'm scared." Chuck says.

  I walk over and bend down, giving him a tight hug. "Sh, we'll be okay."

  I stand back up. "Kill the lights! Get in the corner and under the table and keep quiet!"

  Everyone listens. Someone turns the lights off and everyone huddles in the corners.

  I turn to Newt. "We're gonna be okay, Newt."

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